Joe, I need your help,” said David. “I need you to teach me some killer seduction techniques.”
I was performing magic in a bar in Los Angeles when David, a good-looking, snappily dressed professional in his early thirties, took me aside and asked me for advice.
“I’ve seen a hundred women come up to you tonight, and you clearly know how to handle them.”
He wasn’t wrong.
Table of Contents
I’ve been performing magic in bars all my adult life… which has allowed me invaluable experiences regarding the seduction techniques I’ll share with you shortly (keep reading).
David was recently single after a string of (disastrous!) short-term relationships. He told me he’d devoured every Pickup Artist (or more popularly known as “PUA”) book possible.
And yet he still struggled mightily when it came to making women fall for him.
“Is there a secret?” he asked me in a hushed tone.
Make no mistake, there is.
And I’m going to open the kimono and show you the real deal on how to seduce women – it will blow your mind, I promise.
If you’re expecting more of those Pickup Artist gibberish, well, what you’re going to read next will surprise (and delight) you.
Why “Attracting” A Woman Is No Longer Enough
Seduction Techniques For A Man Which Goes Beyond “Attraction”
Now, of course, I wasn’t going to dish out any old junk advice to David.
Years of using psychological subtleties, persuasion techniques (taught to me by Cal himself), and Derek Rake’s Shogun Method (more on this later) have allowed me to never need to resort to trashy Pickup Artist techniques ever again.
“David, first of all, forget what you’ve learned from those scam Pickup Artists,” I told him.
“Stuff like peacocking and opinion openers are nonsense. And certainly stop learning and spewing pickup lines to every woman you meet like every two-bit Pickup Artist out there.”
David’s ears perked up. “So, Joe, tell me now. What works? How to make a woman want you?”
I leaned forward, and told David what he needed to know.
“You’ve got to go much deeper than that. In other words, you want a woman to be emotionally addicted to you.”
I then told David what I learned from my friend (and longtime mentor) Derek Rake, the man behind the aforementioned Shogun Method:
“You don’t just want to attract a woman. You want to enslave her.”
David was clearly a little shocked. I had expected that reaction from him.
Despite the negative connotations which come with the word enslave, I reassured David it was not malicious.
You see, instead of merely “attracting” a woman, you must make a woman feel emotionally dependent on you completely, to the point that leaving you would never even cross her mind.
You don’t merely want her to be “attracted” to you. You want to control and dominate her .
In short, you want her to be subservient to you.
That, my friend, is how to manipulate women so that they obey your wishes.
Have I piqued your interest yet?
Well, let’s dive in then and see how these “subtle seduction techniques” in detail. Let’s go!
Enslavement As A Seduction Technique
Magicians have been using similar persuasion methods for decades, which is how my interest in this came about.
The good news is that these techniques also work for matters of the heart.
As Derek Rake had told me: “There’s no need to sugarcoat the fact in order to seduce a woman, you need to be emotionally manipulative!”
(It should therefore not surprise you that Derek is not exactly the most popular guy around, say, female liberation activists and the members of the politically correct media.)
First, I’ve got to make this point clear though. Important!
We are not talking about physical enslavement. Frankly, that would be stupid (and downright illegal in the modern world!). It’s also quite counter-productive.
What we are talking about instead is emotional dependency.
This is the type of dependency which could never be achieved with run-of-the-mill, outdated Pickup Artist “trickery”.
You see, the majority of Pickup Artist advice will often focus on the “chase”.
I’ve only ever been focused on the “catch” and the “keep”.
(Using the Shogun Method it is possible to completely bypass the “chase” and go straight to the finish line… more about this later.)
Next, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this guide… and discover how to seduce a woman the proper way: by emotionally enslaving her!
How To Emotionally Enslave A Woman To You
First of all, I’ll make it clear to you that I did not invent “Enslavement” .
Derek Rake was the originator of this concept, and therefore, he deserves all the credit he can get.
I will therefore quote him and Shogun Method (where the Enslavement technique is found) heavily so that you get the knowledge directly… completely unfiltered from the original source.
Now, as promised, let’s talk a little bit more about the Shogun Method.
IRAE Model
At the heart of the Shogun Method is a four-stage roadmap known as the IRAE Model.
Don’t be alarmed by the acronym. It’s simple…
Intrigue. Rapport. Attraction. Enslavement.
Simple enough.
Generating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Roadmap.
Derek Rake himself refers to generating Intrigue as a game-changing seduction technique, and I can confirm he’s 100% right.
Of course, I’m somewhat of an authority on the subject of Intrigue as it comes with the job of performing magic.
And let me tell you, once the intrigue is created, women become putty in your hands.
Seduction Techniques On Creating Intrigue
To quote Derek:
Understand this –
Just because my preferred method of creating Intrigue is by performing magic, it obviously doesn’t mean that’s your only option.
In fact, performing magic can be seen as too “Pickup Artist”-ish by some people, and I totally agree with that.
It works for me because that’s my profession.
If you’re not already a skillful magician, then don’t learn it just to seduce women. It’s pointless. There are other better seduction techniques for a man than magic tricks.
So, understand that there are endless ways to create Intrigue. In fact, the easiest and most effective method is to use Intrigue Pings .
(Intrigue Pings deserve its own guide here on this site, and so we might just develop one in the future. The most authoritative guide on Intrigue Pings is inside Module 4 of the Shogun Method.)
Building Rapport & Attraction
Once you have Intrigued her, it’s time to create Rapport (“R” in the IRAE Model).
This is where deep psychological factors really come into play, so pay attention!
Many mentalists and magicians have perfected rapport-building techniques in order to convince their audiences to do, say, or think whatever they want them to.
It’s a skill that may take years to develop, and yet here’s a shortcut to attaining powerful rapport building ability: continue reading.
The Rapport Stage
The same techniques are used in the Rapport stage.
Conversational Hooks, Mind Control Mirroring… the Emptiness Sequence… these are all absolutely essential to my mentalist routine on and off the stage.
These are not new… and they remain relatively unknown because they have been kept under wraps by people in the know… for their own benefit, of course!
After all, the fewer people know about these techniques, the better it would be for people like me!
So, much to the dismay of many mentalists and magicians the world over, Derek explains them in full detail inside Module 6 of the Shogun Method.
Reverse-LJBF Technique
OK, here’s where we are so far…
Within a few minutes, you’ll have captured a woman’s attention via a combination of ambiguity and intrigue. (You can do this via Intrigue Pings, or other intrigue building devices as you’ll find inside Shogun Method). You may also start to flirt with her.
Then, you’ll build rapport with her.
Now back to David…
He was hanging on my every word to what I said because it was pretty enthralling to find all these new information… stuff that he had never heard elsewhere before.
I told him: “At the point where you’ve built enough Intrigue and Rapport with her, you’ll have the foundations laid down. And now you can have some fun!”
Back to the IRAE Model: we are now at Attract (or “A” inside IRAE) stage.
I go one of two ways after this:
You can either use a multitude of attraction-building techniques such as Entice/Repel cycle. Or, go for the jugular with my favorite –
The “REVERSE-LJBF” tactic.
LJBF? “Let’s Just Be Friends”, of course!
The result? Make her desire you by creating even more Intrigue.
Her thought pattern will follow the lines of:
“He just wants to be friends? Why? Is he seeing someone else? If he’s rejecting me, he must be wanted by other women? What’s the deal here?”
This will really turn the screws in her head, sending your attraction levels sky high.
Believe me… it works, and it works like, ahem, magic!
Close The Deal: The Black Rose Sequence
The final step is, of course, Enslavement. (This is “E” inside the IRAE Model.)
When you’ve primed her with enough Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction, then she’ll be ready to be pushed well beyond the point of no return…
What seduction techniques do you use to enslave a woman emotionally to you then?
Simple answer: use the Black Rose Sequence .
If you’re familiar with Mind Control Seduction techniques, you’d have heard of this technique called Fractionation.
(That’s certainly no exaggeration. I’ve seen that happen many, many times before. I’ve even done it a couple of times myself!)
The Black Rose Sequence is simply the “polished-up” version of Fractionation which is even more powerful!
Here’s a snag though…
I won’t say too much here regarding The Black Rose Sequence. After all, Derek Rake (or his band or merry clients) will absolutely crucify me if they read this!
(I am already getting some hate mails from people who know the Shogun Method for revealing too much. Seriously. All those death threats are getting a little old.)
Below is a short video (made by a client of Derek’s) about the Black Rose Sequence: you’ll see just how powerful it is, no doubt –
(Press play, and wait for the video to load. Thank you for your patience!)
Since you’re now nearing the end of this article, you may be wondering why I am telling you all this.
Well, here’s why.
For too long I’ve watched many of my friends (and good folks like David) completely fail at the art of seducing women.
In fact, sometimes it can be downright embarrassing. Worse, some had fallen into deep depression because of their inability to attract women of their choice.
Two years ago, I lost a friend who killed himself after his wife left him for another man.
Since then, I hated how powerless guys can be when it comes to love and relationships.
My blood boils at the thought of getting played by and kicked around by women.
OK, so here’s the deal.
If you’re reading this far ahead, I know that you’re dead serious about wanting to be good with women.
Therefore, it’s my responsibility to give you the real deal on how to seduce women instead of sugarcoating everything under the guise of feel-good (but ultimately useless) Pickup Artist trickery.
Like David, it’s time for you to realize that being a “nice guy” isn’t enough. And no amount of cheesy pick-up lines or dressing like a peacock is going to give you the results you crave.
It’s time to embrace the dark side of human psychology we know exists but are too afraid to acknowledge.
It’s Time To Fight Dirty
After our conversation, David did the smart thing and joined Derek Rake’s Shogun Method.
I’m happy to report that last time I checked, he’s doing extremely well for himself.
Unlike many others, however, he didn’t use the Shogun Method to go on a “seduction rampage” and started hitting on every Tammy, Dorothy and Hannah he met on the street…
…instead, he used it to get his ex-girlfriend back (she had earlier dumped him for a co-worker of hers… who used the Boyfriend Destroyer technique on her!), and now, they’re virtually inseparable.
He told me he used the Black Rose Sequence on her. I wasn’t surprised that it turned out so well for him.
Look here –
I have no idea what your circumstances are.
(Heck, I don’t even know how you ended up here reading my article.)
And yet I know that the best thing you can do right now is to see IF the Shogun Method works for you.
That’s a big “IF” because nothing works for everybody.
(If there’s someone who claims to have the magic pill that will solve ALL your problems with women then he’s most probably trying to scam you.)
I’d wager that 99% of the male population will not be able to stomach the Shogun Method. It’s way too “out of the box” and may been seen as downright offensive…
…after all, not a lot of guys will admit to want to ENSLAVE women!
Here’s the only way to find out if you’re a suitable candidate to join the Shogun Method movement:
At that page, enter your email address.
Then, check your email and you’ll find a link to a presentation by Derek Rake. Watch the presentation and you’ll understand why this holds the ultimate key to your success with women.
Go on, do it!
All my girls tend to play hard to get with me….what should I do?
I must be careful because I will only have one shot with her. When do I use the Black Rose Sequence on her?