I had originally built this website to serve my clients who had sought my help in improving their dating and relationship skills. I have “open-sourced” our knowledge vault and have since made it available to the general public.
Different from what you may have seen in “Pickup Artist” blogs and forums, my speciality is to use Mind Control to influence and control women. As such, you won’t find gibberish like “peacocking” and “openers” or “stories that demonstrate high value” at my site. Instead, I teach my students cutting edge deep persuasion techniques that make women surrender to them willingly, physically and emotionally.
Why Mind Control Beats The Shit Out Of “Pickup Artists”
The best thing about using Mind Control is that unlike “Pickup Artist” tricks, it is deeply rooted in the science of female psychology. There exist certain flaws inside a woman’s mind which make her especially vulnerable to men who know Mind Control.
My coaching schedule is always packed, and at the time of writing, there’s a waiting list of six months. For me, quality always trumps quantity, and as such, I’d prefer to spend most of my time servicing a small, exclusive number of clients. If you’d like to ask to be added to the waiting list, click here. I cannot guarantee that I will be available provide my services to everyone though.
If you’re new to this site, or especially if you are not familiar with the usage of Mind Control in dating and seducing women, then I recommend that you read this first. It’s an article on Fractionation, and it gives a good glimpse of what’s possible with Mind Control when used to seduce women.
About Shogun Method
Now, here’s the thing. Many are surprised by my answer when they ask me if I would recommend Shogun Method to them.
“It depends”
If you’re wondering why, then here’s the answer…
You see, there’s really no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to dating and seduction.
Of course, you might have already come across some “Seduction Gurus” or “Pickup Artists” (PUAs) and their bullshit “silver bullet” magic pill which will turn anyone into an overnight stud.
The truth that Pickup Artist ebooks are nothing but a sham. You see exactly why below.
Shogun Method Is Not A “Pickup” Program
Many guys have only one thing in their mind: they want to go “sarging” (I hate that word) and approach women so that they can get to have sex with as many of them as possible.
Of course, I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that at all.
If you’re out there to have a good time sowing your wild oats everywhere then more power to you…
It’s just that Shogun Method will not be suitable for you, that’s all.
For one, it’s not a “get laid quick” or a “pickup” program.
Shogun Method is way beyond that.
It takes a giant leap further than the usual concept of “seduction” that most guys are familiar with.
Found inside Shogun Method:
“Seduction is not enough. To catch a woman and keep her for the long term, you’ve got to enslave her.”
Indeed, the idea of “Enslaving” a woman is bound to be controversial.
Derek gets a lot of flak for introducing the idea of Enslavement to the dating world, but I’d tip my hat to him for this revolutionary idea.
In fact, it explains exactly why most guys are failing with women, which could be boiled down to one simple reason:
“She lost interest in him because he didn’t take the final step of ENSLAVING her.”
Bottom line: the answer to the perennial “how to make her want you” question is simple: enslave her.
Think of your own situation for the moment…
Maybe you’ve played your cards right all along, and managed to make her interested in you, or even fall in love with you…
…but as you have discovered at your own peril, she could fall OUT of love with you just as easily.
So, how did you fuck up?
Simple answer… you blinked.
If you had ENSLAVED instead of “seduced” her, then it would be downright impossible for her to quit you.
If she’s enslaved to you, then she wouldn’t be attracted to another guy so easily. (And if she had indeed left you for another man, be assured that the bastard had used some boyfriend destroyer techniques on you, but that’s another story.)
Look… it’s not the end of the road, however.
Continue reading and you’ll see the solution to your most frustrating problems with women soon enough, I promise.
How Shogun Method Is Different From “Pickup Artist” Ebooks
Confession time…
Once upon a time, I was a diehard “Pickup Artist” (or better known as “PUA”) ebook junkie.
Like everyone else, I started by searching on Google. You know, stuff like “pickup”, “seduction”, “how to pick up girls”, “how to seduce women”, all that crap. I was on a life mission to find the best seduction techniques ever, and I was fucking relentless.
I stumbled upon a couple of PUA blogs and started frequenting and posting on forums where I’d meet some like-minded guys. There, we would geek out online for hours about Pickup Artist trickery like “opener routines”, “peacocking”, “AMOGing” and “demonstrating high value”.
Super cringe-y, I know.
At the height of my pickup “enthusiasm”, I flew to Las Vegas to join a two-day seminar thrown by a particularly famous Pickup Artist (which I paid fucking $3,000 to join).
And to my eternal shame, I even signed up to the Guru’s scammy “VIP Inner Circle Platinum Mastermind” where I was charged $397 a month for a full year for the privilege of being part of his “closed” Facebook group.
Now looking back, I realized this. You will learn far more about dating and relationships from Shogun Method than all the Pickup Artist ebooks that you will read and seminars that you will attend. Seriously.
Disclaimer: Your Mileage May Vary
Of course, your mileage with Shogun Method may vary.
It all depends on what specifically you’re looking for…
If you’re like most guys who are out to pick women up at the local bar and sleep with as many of them as you want, then a Pickup Artist ebook may be more suitable for you than Shogun Method.
Heck, cough up a couple of grand to go to a Pickup Artist seminar and you’ll pick up (pun completely intended) some “sarging” skills from your friendly neighborhood Pickup Guru, no doubt.
For me, I’m totally done with the idea of meeting random women at public places and hitting on them.
The days of sowing my wild oats are well behind me.
I didn’t want “pickup” abilities. Instead, I was looking for something deeper and more powerful…
… like the ability to completely control and dominate any woman I lay my eyes on.
I wanted to know how to manipulate women, and how to dominate a woman emotionally.
Pickup Artist ebooks and seminars couldn’t give you that knowledge.
Shogun Method, on the other hand, will.
Now at this point, you’ve got to make a decision.
Are you into “sarging” and sleeping with as many women as you can?
If so, stop reading. As I’ve said, you’ll probably be better off elsewhere on a Pickup Artist blog or forum.
On the other hand, if you’re like me, and you want the ability to manipulate (yes, manipulate) women and put them under your dominance, then continue reading.
Shogun Method: How To Enslave A Woman
The first thing you’ve got to know about the Shogun Method is the mindset shift that you must make regarding “seduction”.
You’ll want to Enslave a woman instead of merely attracting or seducing her.
Don’t get me wrong now…
We are talking about emotional enslavement, of course. For sickos out there, let me clarify that Shogun Method is not about putting women into chains and locking them up in tiny cages.
(If you’re thinking of making women your physical slaves, then close this browser, log off the Innerwebz and go get some help. Seriously.)
To put it simply, “Enslavement” strategies inside Shogun Method are used to iso
late a woman from the outside world.Here is how Shogun Method’s Enslavement strategies work…
You use these strategies to segregate a woman from her friends and family emotionally (and then physically).
At the same time, you’ll make her attached to you emotionally using what’s known as a combo of “ATTRACT/REPEL” tactics.
So what happens over time is that she will slowly get completely sucked into a different world which consists only you and her.
When this happens, she will become entirely dependent on you, and will need you to survive like she needs air to breathe.
And at that point, she will be completely subservient to you, and stupid female mind games will be a thing of the past.
Pretty hardcore stuff.
IRAE Model – The Heart Of Shogun Method
Enslavement is only one part (or specifically, 1/4th) of Shogun Method.
The heart of the Shogun Method is the IRAE Model, which maps out the entire process in four simple steps or stages:
- Stage 1: Intrigue Generation (or, the “I” stage)
- Stage 2: Rapport Building (or, the “R” stage)
- Stage 3: Attraction Development (or, the “A” stage)
- Stage 4: Enslavement (or, the “E” stage)
These stages are strictly sequential.
Here’s a simple explanation of how the IRAE Model works:
The first step is to Intrigue a woman so that you capture her attention for you to build Rapport with her (the second step).
With enough Rapport, then you’ll be able to Attract her to you (third step). And finally, with enough Attraction, then you can Enslave her (the fourth and final step).
Makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?
The problem with most guys is that they use a hodge-podge of piecemeal techniques they learn at different places without a clear strategy or roadmap in mind.
The IRAE Model gives you the clarity that you need to bring a woman from Intrigue to Enslavement.
Additionally, this Model also explains why guys fail with women.
Most guys don’t realize that the process of attracting a woman is sequential.
For example, the most common mistake that guys make is to start Attracting a woman before building sufficient Rapport. (In the IRAE Model, Rapport comes before Attraction.)
So, if a woman feels creeped out by you, it means that you’ve attempted to Attract her without first establishing emotional Rapport with her.
Get it?
Here’s another common mistake guys make: they try to build Rapport without first making a woman Intrigued enough to be interested in the first place. (Intrigue comes before Rapport in the IRAE Model.)
Similarly, you shouldn’t be using Enslavement strategies on a woman before bringing her through the necessary Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction stages – you’ll just come off to her as a nonsense-spouting psychopath.
You Gotta Respect The Process
It’s all about baby steps, guys. You gotta respect the process.
Shogun Method is designed so that you focus on one IRAE stage at a time.
The first step that you need to take is to figure out where she is in the IRAE Model (Is she sufficiently Intrigued by you? Does she have emotional Rapport with you? Is she sexually Attracted to you? Is she ready to be Enslaved?)
Once you know this, then you need to do one thing, and one thing only:
To bring her from one IRAE stage to the next.
Forget about everything else.
This has helped me to avoid the problem of information overload, and it gives me complete clarity on what to do next with a woman that I want to seduce (and eventually enslave).
(This is different from Pickup Artist ebooks and seminars where you’ll get a brain dump of tricks which you’ll have problems trying to use in real life situations.)
Shogun Method is all about being practical, and actionable.
The First Rule Of Fight Club…
Everything in Shogun Method leads to Enslavement. To me, it’s the most exciting stage because that’s where most of the Shogun Method “magic” kicks in.
The Enslavement stage in the IRAE Model is where you can make a woman be completely subservient to you – so that she does anything and everything you say, no questions asked.
Here’s the thing though…
It may be surprising to you that Shoguns are actually asked to stop themselves from using Enslavement strategies unless completely necessary.
But after seeing it myself, I grew to understand why.
You see, we have been getting lots of flak for teaching Enslavement to the masses. As you can imagine, this is possibly one of the most un-politically correct things to talk about in the open.
You see, I once posted about “learning how to enslave a woman using Derek Rake’s Shogun Method” on my Facebook.
Guess what happened?
A legion of feministas and the so-called Social Justice Warriors started posting hateful messages on my timeline.
To quote one “Liz Burns”:
“I’m gonna cut your balls off and stuff it into a roast turkey for my post-workout snack tonight.”
A bodybuilding, testicle-eating feminazi. Charming.
So, from then onwards, I learned to shut the fuck up about Shogun Method.
And once you joined our community, you’ll learn how to STFU just like the rest of us.
The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. The Shogun Method movement works the same way.
Don’t tell anyone that you’re learning this stuff. Make quiet, but real, progress.
Certainly, don’t post anything on social media. You don’t need negativity in your life.
Also, remember that the fewer people know about Shogun Method, the better it is for the rest of us.
Black Rose Sequence: You’ve Never Seen This Anywhere Else, Guaranteed
The heart of the Enslavement stage in Shogun Method is the Black Rose Sequence.
Fanciful name, I know. But don’t let that make you gloss over the fact that it’s probably the most powerful technique you can ever have inside your seduction arsenal.
Out of respect for the 17,000 Shoguns, I won’t be spilling the details on exactly what’s inside the Black Rose Sequence.
What I can tell you broadly is that the Sequence is used to “erase” a woman’s existing personality and replace it with a new identity which is completely enslaved to you emotionally.
You’ll even call her by the new identity’s name in order to reinforce the enslavement.
The complete Black Rose Sequence has everything you’ll need: the scripts and action steps are given in full detail inside the Shogun Method.
Here’s the thing…
I won’t even try to deny that it’s sinister, because it is.
And as you can see, it can be easily abused by anyone who has got malicious intentions against women.
Emotional Enslavement is not a game.
Once you’ve gotten a woman to be enslaved to you, the effect is permanent. You can’t “undo” this shit.
Therefore, if you want to take the plunge into the world of Shogun Method and increase your seduction superpowers by tenfold, then go to the official site below –
Do it with your eyes wide open.