Pick up lines are great. They are harmless banter. Most guys get too serious and forget that pickup is about having fun.
Even though there are a lot of dating gurus who think that you have to go through a lot of rejections to be successful (and that it is a numbers game), there are those who make it without getting rejected again and again. And guess what – those with the biggest successes are usually the guys who simply go out to enjoy themselves – and not merely to go get phone numbers from women. Truly, you cannot “fake it until you make it” like what conventional wisdom says.
Learning how to be funny, charming and entertaining will give you a great deal of confidence. Getting these skills come from fun in-the-field experiences. It’s an important factor to learn how to be interesting.
During the course of your training as a pickup artist, you will need to have worthwhile things to talk about; for example, hobbies and activities that are entertaining and at the same time, display your value as a worthwhile guy to know and be with. No matter if you are a professional surfer, an MMA fighter or math geek, look for ways to make your skills social.
If You’re Not Having Fun, Then You’re Doing It Wrong!
No matter what you do: remember that fun comes first, no exceptions. In other words, you should not come across as a bore, and give people the feeling of wanting to run away from you.
Sure, a bit of cocky and funny does not hurt, but you should not be a clown. That’s where your field experience comes into play.
Here’s a killer tip: if you have problem approaching women, first start with people who are paid to be nice. Flirt everywhere. Make light banter. Ask for the time. Comment about the weather. Create small talk. Make an effort to develop skills that you may have neglected before. It’s not that hard. Trust me – I know, because I’ve been there.
Learn to read the body language. You already know how to recognize non-verbal signs as we humans have it wired in naturally – believe it. Notice the signs that someone feels comfortable, or otherwise.
Humans have the big disadvantage that their rational mind get in the way and sometimes make them act stupid. Simply, learn to trust your instincts
Some Tips To Get You Started
- Pick up a hobby where you interact with plenty of women. Yoga or cooking are amazing 🙂
- Take up a sport that will help you becoming a better man – such as fighting and wrestling.
- Learn Mind Control. Like Fractionation.
- Develop a feeling for your body through exercise, dancing and reflecting your inner self.
- Learn the best first date conversation.
- Learn how to make her want you using covert seduction techniques.
- Understand how people tick and what makes them reject you, try to imagine how you come across to others and what will repelled them.
- Develop phone game skills.
- Be yourself and don’t try to fake it to be someone that you are not. Work on your goals and never give up.
Now go get ’em!
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