Alright, I won’t mince my words here.
To a woman, there’s nothing would disgust her more than a spineless and desperate man.
Do you know why?
Well, the thing is this… a weakling will always be unattractive in the eyes of a woman. And you know what? The weaker a man comes across to a woman, the more likely he is going to be lonely and pathetic.
Sounds rather harsh, right? Guess what… it’s true.
No woman in her right mind would want a wimp to be her boyfriend or husband, correct?
Despite this, many guys turn into downright WIMPS when they try to attract women.
They become too nice and agreeable to the point of appearing to be too subservient and desperate.
And guess what? All they do is to turn women away with their pathetic wimpiness.
Here’s the truth about women that few people will want to tell you…
Women like to be POSSESSED.
They want to be DOMINATED. By strong men, no less.
Alright, that may sound quite un-politically correct, but I don’t give a shit. The truth needs to be said!
Now you may ask: “How do I possess a woman?”
Again, here’s the non-politically correct answer:
You need to MANIPULATE her.
Here’s what I’m gonna do in this video. I’m going to share with you some pretty MANIPULATIVE tactics that will get women to surrender to you, heart and soul.
Sounds good?
Before I share those tactics with you, watch this video :-
So here’s the technique that I’ve been telling you about. It has got its roots in extreme persuasion and hypnotic Mind Control pioneered by Derek Rake’s Shogun Method a couple of years ago.
We’ll talk more about Derek and the Shogun Method later, but for now, let’s go deeper into what this hypnotic tactic is all about.
Using this tactic, you can pretty put any woman under your spell and turn her into your emotional slave.
And the best part is that with enough practice, you can do it pretty quickly, too!
Before we proceed, I gotta warn you though…
This tactic can be pretty hardcore.
I get lots of hate mail for it, mainly from feminists and their pussified male supporters.
They accuse me of trying to give men an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over women in the game of love.
Well, guilty as charged, bitches. 🙂
Using this technique, you can pretty much possess any woman and put her under your control.
You’ll get to learn everything about this Mind Control technique soon enough. For now, let me tell you a back story on how I stumbled upon it.
After years of getting pussy whipped by women, I finally looked at myself in the mirror and telling myself: “Enough is fucking enough.”
My best friend Nate loaned me a copy of FHM and told me to read about an article about Derek Rake. “What he says will blow your mind,” Nate had told me.
Curious, I read the article, and my mind was totally blown. I thought I had read about everything I needed to know about “seduction”. And yet, what Derek said in the interview was so fresh and different from “Pickup Artist” advice.
I went on to his site and dropped him an email. And guess what, Derek actually replied me! And before I knew it, I was on a plane to San Diego to see him.
We met at his plush office in San Diego where he told me:
“You must conceal your intentions until the manipulation is complete. Hiding your intentions from your target is the most powerful form of domination.”
That completely knocked me off the porch, to say the least.
I mean, I thought that to make a woman fall for me, I’d have to be honest about my intentions.
Looking back, it was pretty stupid.
Whoever who says that “honesty is the best policy” probably didn’t get laid that much.
Then Derek hit me with another insight:
“The female mind is hard-wired to reject overt advances from males.”
Again, this makes a lot of sense, right?
I mean, what would you expect a woman to do when a guy comes chasing after her?
Her defenses will come up automatically, right?
So, what I learned from Derek was that if I conceal my intentions, I will then “bypass” her automatic defenses. This way, it will be impossible for her to reject me.
Pretty awesome!
After that, Derek hit me again with another knowledge bomb:
“If you want to possess a woman, Fredo, this is what you do. Master the FRACTIONATION technique, and you’ll be dominating women in no time.”
Here’s how Fractionation works:
First, it invokes a positive emotion in a woman. It makes her feel happy, ecstatic, and positive.
Then, it injects a feeling of sadness in her quickly, bringing her down in dread and despair.
This hypnotic cycle of happiness and sadness in quick succession will make her fall into a hypnotic trance.
And you know what? When done a couple of times, she will fall deeper into trance, and at the same time develop an emotional bond with you.
When she is said to be “Fractionated”, then she will then be addicted to you emotionally. And once this happens, you will be able to POSSESS her for as long as you want.
Awesome, right?
When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual “Pickup Artist” tricks. I have to warn you though that it is not possible to “undo” the effects of Fractionation. Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable damage to her psychology. Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.
To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman’s mind and enslave her to you emotionally, click here.
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