So Calvin, tell me,” said Jonathan. “How to make a woman want you like crazy?”
Jonathan was a new client who had just signed up for my dating consulting services just last week. A rather portly fellow with a somewhat earnest demeanor, he was like the “serious” version of Jack Black.
Table of Contents
In his mid-30’s, Jonathan was well ahead of his peers in the same age bracket.
Already an established entrepreneur who owned a chain of eateries in downtown Manhattan and nearby Queens, he had been extraordinarily successful…
… and yet, by his own admission, he completely failed when it came to love and relationships.
Indeed, to quote the Fab Four, money can’t buy you love.
Jonathan had come to see me after he got dumped by his girlfriend of three years. Belle was a girl-next-door-type redhead with big brown eyes, creamy skin and an hourglass figure.
Younger than him by nearly a decade, she was doing her master’s degree in linguistics at NYU. Jonathan had agreed to pay for her room and board in college (“At that time, I figured that it was the right thing to do, I guess,” he shrugged.)
So, he was already $75,000 in the red when he came to see me. But still, that wasn’t the worst thing that had happened…
She had left him for her wrinkly, balding 50-year old college professor.
Clearly, age wasn’t a factor for young Belle.
“She Even Said She Loved Me.”
“I thought I had her in the bag, this one. She even said that she loved me. That should’ve been enough, right?” Jonathan quipped.

Of course, he was making the classic mistake that, say, 99% of my clients would make with women.
My answer to him was swift and firm.
“No, not enough.”
“Huh?” He was somewhat taken aback by my response, which he didn’t expect.
I sighed.
Jonathan looked at me as though I was a giant three-headed cockroach from Men In Black.
“What do you mean? She already told me that she had fallen in love with me. How is that not enough?” he asked, somewhat puzzled with a hint of slight irritation.
“Look here, Jonny. I’m going to quote Derek Rake on this one. You see, it’s not enough for a woman to love you. If you want to keep her, then there’s only one choice… to enslave her.”
Jonathan’s puzzled look on his face soon turned to horror.
“What on God’s good earth did I just hear? Enslave her? WTF?” he gasped.
I had seen this reaction probably a thousand times from my clients. Truthfully, I haven’t met a lot of people could stomach this.
…and yet, it’s a fundamental truth that most guys are simply blind to.
The failure to grasp this fact of life is the reason of the downfall of many guys in love and relationships.
You see, a woman may fall in love with a guy today, and yet there is no guarantee that she will remain in love with him tomorrow.
There’s just too many uncertainties in the situation.
A woman can be as fickle as a, well, woman. There could also be another guy in the picture (this happens more often than not, unfortunately.)
So, the reality is this:
If that sounds rather harsh and intolerably cruel to you, well, welcome to the real world. 🙂
How To Make A Woman Want You Forever: Enslave Her!
Or, How To Make Her Miss You Badly When You’re Away
I‘ll let you know what happened to Jonathan later… for now, let’s talk about Enslavement strategies.
First of all, I can’t claim that I invented this theory. No, sir.
Derek Rake did, and for this, he deserves all the credit he could get. I’ll cut the hyperbole, but stated plainly, that man’s a genius. And he’s pretty much responsible for who I am today, but that’s another story for another day. 🙂
These days, Derek is one of the few (maybe the only one) who would dare to talk openly about Enslavement in dating.
Given its importance, there’s a full module in the Shogun Method which is 100% devoted to Enslavement strategies.
(Read this review of the Shogun Method by my friend and a self-proclaimed “layman seducer”, Sammy Matthews.)
The large majority of dating advice products out there today (notably, Pickup Artist or PUA products) are about the “chase”.
The Shogun Method, on the other hand, is about both the “chase” and the “keep”. That makes it more comprehensive than the regular two-bit Pickup Artist ebook that is available a dozen for a dime these days.
(I’ll save my wrath for Pickup Artists in another blog post, but suffice for me to say this: screw them.)
In short, here are the key differences:
- Pickup Artist “tricks”: Learn how to chase women and impress them with pickup lines and shallow talk
- Shogun Method: Learn how to make her desire you so badly that she wants to enslave herself to you
See what I mean?
When I was a student of Derek, I learned from him the basics of Enslavement in two simple steps.
(Sidenote: If you’re wondering if you can ask to get coached by Derek, he no longer offers face-to-face coaching as far as I know. Still, everything he teaches are now inside Shogun Method, so all you need to do is to get access to his online program.)
I’ve taught the same two-step strategy to Jonathan, and you will learn what happened as he applied the technique on Belle.
But before we go into all that, I want you to remember this:
Makes sense?
Just to be clear: you never Enslave a woman physically . Apart from being illegal in most places around the world, it’s also extremely immoral, and not to mention counter-productive to your cause.
(If you’ve been thinking of physically Enslaving a woman, go see a shrink or something!)
Enslavement Step #1: Segregation
Now with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this guide.
The first step in Enslavement is to isolate the woman from the outside world.
This is what you want to do in this step. You want her to completely sever her ties with everyone else.
Your desired end goal is to create a “shared world” where there are only you and her. You want to exclude everyone else (especially her family and friends!) from this “shared world”.
Once she’s in this “shared world” with you, just like a toddler who is dependent on her mother, you want her to have the same emotional dependencies on you.
With me so far? Great!
There are several easy ways to segregate a woman emotionally from the outside world.
The best and easiest method (in my experience) is to use the “Us Against The World” routine which is found inside the Shogun Method.
Here’s what it is in summary: it’s a routine that you tell her that will make her feel safe when she’s with you as you covertly plant ideas in her mind that there’s something out there which is gunning for her.
(Trust me, it’s not as sinister as it sounds. You’ll completely understand once you’ve seen it for yourself.)
Like everyone else, Jonathan was super skeptical at first, and yet after he used this routine on Belle (word for word), she was ready to dump her that horny college professor boyfriend of hers.
“Listen, man, honestly, I never thought it would work,” he later quipped to me. “But it did.”
He then continued: “I could see her interest in her professor dissipate right in front of my very eyes. It was enthralling, and somewhat disturbing at the same time. I mean, what if someone else did this to me?”
And for the first time since we met, Jonathan felt… powerful.
Now I want you to imagine how it feels when you’ve got the same power in your hands… the power to control and dominate a woman by dictating her emotions.
Feels good, does it not?
What will you do with this power?
Enslavement Step #2: Install A New Sexual Identity
Once Jonathan had segregated Belle and isolated her from the other guy, it was then time to seal the deal.
The second (and final) step is the crucial one, and can be rather tricky to pull off successfully.
Now this may sound somewhat complicated, and yet it’s pretty easy if you know exactly what to do and say…
The answer is in the Black Rose Sequence.
“The Black Rose Sequence will do all the heavy lifting for you. All you need to do is to follow the steps and recite the lines word for word, and it will work,” Derek told me. And I had relayed the same message to Jonathan.
Jonathan wasted no time and quickly used the Black Rose Sequence on Belle one evening.
“I could see her transformation as I used the Black Rose on her,” Jonathan told me of his experience. “She looked at me, like a slave at her master. At that moment, I knew she was mine, and would remain mine as long as I wanted.”
His mind was blown.
Given its length, it’s impossible to cover the Black Rose Sequence at length in this article. If you’re wondering where you can find the technique – it is inside Module 7 of the Shogun Method.
(Caution: there are lots of fake versions of the Black Rose flying around. Don’t get duped.)
How To Make Her Want To Sleep With You
(Or, How To Make Her Sexually Addicted To You)
Kirk, another one of my clients emailed me the following:
Here’s my answer…
As I’ve pointed out above, you always enslave a woman emotionally, not physically.
Sex follows emotions – remember that! Once you have made her addicted to you emotionally, then getting her into bed is quite trivial, really.
All you need to do is to play some mind games with her, turning the emotion into sexual tension that you let simmer over days until it spills over uncontrollably. (This will make more sense after you have enslaved her emotionally, so continue reading.)
“OK, Cal, I’m all excited now. How do I start enslaving women?”
Jumping blindly into Enslavement is like having a rump with a drunk stranger you meet at the bar with no protection. It’s a mistake which will cost you dearly!
Indeed, inside the Shogun Method, there are three preceding stages that one must go through before even attempting Enslavement.
For example, if you don’t build enough rapport with a woman beforehand, you’ll come across as fake or even weird.
(Wait for the video to load. Thank you for your patience!)
How To Make A Woman Want You Using Fractionation
I‘ve given you quite a lot to chew on so far, and I want you to understand that feeling overwhelmed is entirely natural.
To help you out, here’s a simplified version of the Black Rose Sequence and still get the results that you want (at about 20% of the effort.)
It works quickly, and you can see the effect typically in 10 to 15 minutes (or even less for those with experience).
This simplified version of the Black Rose Sequence is known as Fractionation.
Fractionation is known as the “Grand Daddy” of all Mind Control-based seduction techniques, and it’s (in)famous for a good reason.
If you’ve seen a guy getting phone numbers (and sometimes even kisses) within five minutes of the approach, then you should assume that there’s some “Fractionation action” going on there. It’s a technique which is designed for both speed and performance.
Fractionation draws pretty deeply into female psychology in order to exploit a little-known “flaw” which makes a woman vulnerable to getting seduced by a man.
I’ll share with you a cool resource on Fractionation below, but here’s what it is in simple terms:
You get a woman go through an emotional roller coaster through simple storytelling.
And this is how you do it: you make her recall her past experiences which make her both happy and sad.
By bringing these memories back into her mind, you get her to relive those experiences with you.
As a result, she will form an emotional bondage with you because in her mind, you were with her when she was undergoing the emotional highs and lows.
Pretty insidious!
For the longest time, Fractionation has remained in the underground for a simple reason…
It’s so darn effective that using it to attract women has been deemed as “overkill”.
To quote one of its inventors, using Fractionation in seduction is like “bringing a nuclear bomb to a gun fight.” Of course, it took someone like Derek to think rather differently:
And for the record, Derek’s absolutely right.
A Word Of Caution!
Just like the entire Shogun Method cache of seduction weaponry, Fractionation is not for everybody…
… and truth be told, we are especially concerned about psychopaths out there who will use these techniques to harm women.
Therefore, for this reason, we will need to ask you to agree NOT to misuse these techniques to inflict psychological harm on women. Very important!
Only when you agree to this condition, click on this button below to watch a presentation to learn how to make a woman want you using Fractionation (and the Shogun Method):-
You will need to enter your email address because the link to the presentation is sent to you via email (if you qualify.)
If you don’t receive the link in a couple of minutes, then it means that your email address has probably been blacklisted.
For the reasons stated above, we reserve every right not to share this knowledge with anyone we don’t feel comfortable with.
Thank you for understanding.
Excellent advice!
Looks great. I’ve seen Shogun Method, and it completely rocks my socks. I think I know enough to be dangerous now.
What to do if a woman misbehaves?
There is a girl who loved me secretly and I realized that after such a long time. I made a bad blunder and now she’s not replying my messages. She doesn’t answer my calls or when she does, she is so cold to me and disrespectful.
What should I do? I love her and am not willing to let her go.
There is a girl who i loved and she also said she loved me. But I realized that after such a long time she was just deceiving me. She waited until we had an issue the broke up with me. she’s not replying my messages. She doesn’t answer my calls or when she does, she is so cold to me and disrespectful. I real want to get her back and enslave her forever.
How do i pay for the Shogun Method? I’m having difficulty
Ask Derek Rake. Google for it.
You never know when this will backfire. I have a male friend who (thought) he enslaved a woman he (claims) to have grown to love. And it wasn’t the first time he enslaved a woman. She let him think the whole time he was in control and after a few months (after he thought he enslaved her) she left him explaining in a letter that she knew the whole time and she left him when she knew it will hurt him the most. She told him from the beginning she really likes him and doesn’t want to play games. He seems devastated and said that it’s the first time a woman broke his heart. In a way I feel sorry for him but he had it coming. Karma is a bitch.
That’s the problem when you do it wrongly. Only those who learn directly from Derek Rake (the REAL Shogun Method) will know how to enslave a woman properly. Believe me because this is true.