Alright, let’s be entirely honest here. There’s only one reason you’re here watching this video, and it’s this:
You’re separated from your woman, and you desperately want her back in your life.
My question to you is this…
Are you prepared to do anything you can to get her back? And I mean ANYTHING…
You see, what I am going to share with you here is a method which is NOT for everyone. And I’ll be completely frank with you… you’ll need a pair of BRASS BALLS to use it.
So I can understand if you want to bail out completely becaue let’s face it… most guys are too chicken shit to use what I am going to describe to you.
If this is not your cup of tea, then feel free to click away and watch some stupid cat videos… and accept the fact that your woman will probably be gone from your life forever.
Not a pleasant thought, is it?
Now if you’re man enough, continue watching this video.
If you have broken up with her, then chances are that she can still be defensive whenever you talk to her. The first thing that you need to do, therefore, is to disarm her.
You gotta make her put down her bitch shield somewhat. And here’s how you do it.
Tell her: “You know what? You’re right.”
This line is especially effective if she has been trying to pin the blame on you as the reason for the breakup. You will simple agree to what she accuses you of.
Here’s what you want to do at this point… you want to confuse the shit out of her. What do you think will run through her mind?
“What the fuck is this?”
“Why is he behaving this way now?”
“What is he up to?”
Once you’ve disarmed her and confused her a little, then it’s time to twist the knife further and mess with her mind a little more.
Say ambiguous things that will fire her imagination up. You know, things like:
“I guess you’ve always known this to be true.”
“This is perhaps the way to go. Or maybe not.”
“Breaking up is the right thing to do, but stranger things have happened before, right?”
As you’ll see, those statements mean nothing, but to a woman, they are sufficient to trigger off a thousand questions in her mind.
And you know what? When a woman is confused, she will then open to being emotionally exploited.
Now you know why this method seems controversial? It’s because in order to win a woman back into your life, you’ll need to be a little manipulative. Most people will be completely turned off at this point, but hey, that’s the reality. I’m not here to sell a pipe dream.
Let’s get back on track. The next step you’ll need to take is to seal the deal by using this Mind Control technique called Fractionation.
If you’ve not heard of the Fractionation technique, here’s what you need to know…
It’s an age-old hypnosis tactic which is used to put people under a hypnotic trance quickly. Modern day persuasion and Mind Control experts like Derek Rake found that the technique can also be used to put women under control.
Fractionation puts a woman on an emotional roller coaster where she will feel extreme happiness and sadness in a short period of time. And when she experiences this, she will develop an emotional dependence on the person who is putting her through that emotional roller coaster.
You’ll notice that this is the same technique that is being used by movie makers and book writers to make women addicted to the shit that they put out. And that, my friend, is why women are addicted to chick flicks and trashy Mills & Boon novels. Using Fractionation will give you the same effect, and more!
When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual “Pickup Artist” tricks. I have to warn you though that it is not possible to “undo” the effects of Fractionation. Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable damage to her psychology. Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.
To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman’s mind and enslave her to you emotionally, click here.
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