OK, so you’re watching this video to find out how to have a healthy relationship with a woman.
You know what… I’ll call bullshit on that. And here’s why.
You see, most people’s idea of a “healthy” relationship is one which is based on mutual love and respect. And that, my friend, is as nonsensical as fuckin’ Alice In Wonderland.
The only place where a man and a woman lives happily ever after with a “healthy” relationship is inside a chick flick. Seriously, man. You gotta stop yourself from getting brainwashed by the society.
In the next couple of minutes, I’m going to share with you the whole truth about love and relationships. Before I do that, please watch this video below :-
First, you gotta ask yourself WHY you want to have a “healthy” relationship with your woman. Seriously. Why?
If I am to guess, it’s because you want both of you to have a happy and lasting relationship. But you know what… when couples try to make their relationships “healthy”, they end up sabotaging themselves.
Let me explain how.
When a guy asks around for ideas on how to have a healthy relationship with a woman, what happens? He usually gets flooded with half-baked advice like:
“Treat her like a princess!”
“You gotta put her needs before yours!”
“Love is about giving and taking!”
“Make her happy, and you’ll be happy!”
Fuck that shit.
In fact, to have a happy and long lasting relationship, often the REVERSE is true.
For example, you gotta get her to treat you like a KING. You see, women are wired psychologically to put men on a pedestal to be happy. Strange, yet true.
You gotta put YOUR needs before HERS.
Love is about taking AND taking.
Make yourself happy, and she’ll be happy.
I bet that this is entirely different from what others usually tell you, right?
So here’s the bottom line when it comes to love and relationships:
A “healthy” relationship is one where you come FIRST.
This may be entirely un-politically correct to say, and yet it’s the truth. I’ve been pissing off too many feminists and social justice warriors with my videos, I know. But I don’t give a shit because the truth needs to be said.
Now if you seem to be subservient to your woman in the relationship, what do you do then?
Quite simple, really. You gotta do whatever you can to regain dominance and authority in the relationship.
Makes sense, right?
It turns out that there’s a simple way to make a woman surrender to you, and it’s by the use of Mind Control.
Of course, few people will want to talk about using Mind Control on women. Why? Well, for one, this shit is pretty manipulative by nature.
And if you’re not living in La La Land, you should already realize that manipulation is how people get ahead in life. So, you shouldn’t be surprised that manipulation works rather well in love and relationships.
What’s the best way to “manipulate” a woman into surrendering her control in a relationship? The answer: a Mind Control technique called FRACTIONATION.
If you’ve heard of Fractionation, you’ll already know that it’s one of the most powerful Mind Control techniques ever.
And if you’ve not, here’s how it works:
Fractionation puts a woman under hypnotic trance by making her feel both happiness and sadness in quick succession.
The technique can be quite elaborate, but once you learned it, you’ll see it everywhere.
For example, Hollywood filmmakers and bestselling authors often use Fractionation in their work. That’s why Hollywood films and bestselling novels have such devoted following.
And here’s the good news: you can now use Fractionation to make your woman devoted to you.
When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual “Pickup Artist” tricks. I have to warn you though that it is not possible to “undo” the effects of Fractionation. Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable damage to her psychology. Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.
To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman’s mind and enslave her to you emotionally, click here.
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