Let’s not beat around the bush here. Other than being dumped, getting put in the friend zone is about the worse thing a guy can have happen to him.
Am I right?
I’ve been there, man. Women used to say “let’s just be friends” to me a lot. As a younger guy who didn’t really have a clue about the dating game, I got friend-zoned time and time again. It was awful… I kid ya not!
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a total loser – in fact, I didn’t have problems approaching women at all. They’d all be friendly and happy when we hung out and we’d have great fun.
But whenever I went to ask a woman if she would be my actual girlfriend everything would turn to crap before my eyes… and I’d hear those dreaded words:
“Awww Fredo boy, can we just be friends?”
Argh! When I hear those words now I want to stick pins in my eyes, or something.
But thank goodness, those days full of constant failure with women have ended at last. I’ve at last realized why women used to see me as their emotionally-supportive best buddy… rather than wanting to jump into bed with me.
In this video, I’ll let you in on a secret on how I stopped women from treating me as their emotional tampon, and start taking me seriously as a potential lover.
Check it out!
First things first. There’s one thing you have to understand, and it’s this:
If you’re unfortunate enough to be friend-zoned by someone, know that it isn’t actually your fault.
If you’re not at fault, then what is?
Well, here’s the deal.
There’s actually a flaw that’s inside every woman’s brain that by default will make her categorize nice, friendly men as… well, as friends! Women are just wired like that.
So, how do you avoid getting friend-zoned? Simple – just exploit the flaw in her brain so that she can see you as a potential LOVER rather than a “friend”.
So how can you do that? It’s actually really simple… you just need to play mind games with her! And guess what? You can do that with 3 simple steps.
Step 1 is to make sure you DON’T freak out!
Grabbing her and screaming “…I wanna have great sex with you!” isn’t going to help. You need to keep calm, and then do what I am going to tell you next.
Let’s say she delivers the infamous “Let’s just be friends” line. Here’s the best way to react: simply agree with what she says. You could say “Ha, what on Earth was I thinking? You’re right, being friends is probably the better way to go.”
What do you think would be her reaction? If she’s like most women, this will cause her to drop her guard immediately. Next, it will make her think, “Woah, did he mean what he said when he asked me to be a girlfriend? Was he serious or not?”
This is going to mess with the girl’s mind a bit… and guess what? That’s exactly what we want!
OK, so after you’ve nailed the first step. Here’s what you need to do next…
Step 2 is to stop hanging out with her so often.
You must learn to actually say NO even though it’s going to be tempting to see her again.
And when you ARE with her, you need to treat her more like one of your male friends. Call her “fella” or “mate” or “bro” or whatever… she might even start questioning her own feminine charms.
Next comes the killer step. Ask her opinion about ANOTHER woman… preferably one you both know, or better, one you know she doesn’t like or she’s jealous of.
“Susie’s really hot, don’t you think?”
“I found out Jessica is single again. If she’s looking for someone new, I’ll be right there!”
“I think I’ll ask Sarah out on a date. What do you reckon, bro?”
Can you see where this is going?
Keep working these jealousy angles… and you’ll soon find she will start to see you as her potential lover, not just as her friend.
Makes sense?
Do it right, and you’ll see her being to change demeanor around you. She might even get a bit pissed off. And you know what… that’s a great sign!
Now once you’ve done the first two steps, you’re ready now to proceed…
Step 3 is where you “close the deal”, switching her from friend to girlfriend.
And you do this with a Mind Control method called Fractionation.
Using Fractionation, you’ll be making her go through an emotional roller coaster. This is similar to the effect caused by Mills & Boon novels and chick flicks… which is why women are so addicted to them. You’ll use the same technique to make a woman addicted to you emotionally!
When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual “Pickup Artist” tricks. I have to warn you though that it is not possible to “undo” the effects of Fractionation. Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable damage to her psychology. Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.
To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman’s mind and enslave her to you emotionally, click here.
Thank you. Well said, Matt!