A good portion of new Calpont.com customers have this question to me during our first coaching sessions: “how to make her like you”. I don’t blame them because, well, knowing how to get a girl interested is one of those “grounding” questions when it comes to dating and seducing women that never get old.
The first thing that I usually recommend to my clients to learn is Fractionation. Why, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple – it’s one of those techniques where it’s easy to learn, and once mastered, it will pay back in spades. A good starter guide on Fractionation is found here.
Of course, Fractionation is one of those techniques which are found inside Derek Rake’s fabulous Shogun Method (a required reading among all our clients and buyers of the DeepPSYCHE™ technology!). If you’re considering if you should invest in a copy, be sure to read this Shogun Method review (written by a user who has been completely new to using Mind Control to seduce women.) Read it – it’s pretty interesting!
Many new prospective Shogun Method clients buy the program (or engage me for my dating advisory service) have one single goal in mind: they want to know how to attract women. A smaller portion have deeper needs, like needing to know how to dominate women and make them compliant to their requests. Others are more specific, like wanting to get their ex-girlfriends back.
Let’s face it – it’s getting more and more challenging these days when it comes to love and relationships. Of course, this is not the woman’s fault: it’s just that we are now living in a society where propriety and political correctness is the norm. As such, it’s hardly “safe” to openly talk about using seduction strategies which have been developed using Mind Control and hypnosis!
Indeed, the ante has been upped for the guys, and whoever who does not have access to these cutting edge knowledge will be at a severe disadvantage. Can you imagine competing for the same gal with another guy who, say, have access to Boyfriend Destroyer techniques? Unthinkable!
Finally, remember that it’s the birthright of a woman to play mind games on men – especially those she is interested in! The woman is not the enemy. It’s just that she is hard-wired inside her to qualify each potential suitor – after all, dating is relatively more high risk when compared to men.
Consider yourself lucky however; most guys in this world would never have stumbled upon the body of knowledge that you currently have at your fingertips (in the form of CalPont.com and Shogun Method.) Remember that! Now, you have all the knowledge you would ever need to be successful with women. All you need next is some coaching services (say, from yours truly) and lots, lots, and lots of practice!
If you’ve been considering if you should be engaging my dating advisory services, read about my background and qualifications here. Not everyone is suitable to sign up, and if in doubt, please contact me and clarify with me first.
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