Let me first tell you a story about this chance discovery made by my friend Dr J.P. Fairweather, a professional hypnotist whom I had gotten to know through the MKDELTA group.
(If you’re new to what I do, and to Fractionation and Mind Control attraction in particular, MKDELTA used to be a secretive underground group of Mind Control scientists and practitioners).
I had gone over to pay a visit to Dr Fairweather at his hypnotherapy practice in swanky Knightsbridge, London over freezing winter a couple of years ago.
“Derek,” he said to me as he sipped his cup of piping hot Earl Grey, “Over the years, I’ve noticed this one particularly curious pattern among the people who come to seek my help.”
“What pattern?” I inquired, as I took a bite of the warm scone that his butler had served before me with a smattering of strawberry jam and a dollop of fresh cream.
“Here’s what usually happens when a client comes over. She gets all fidgety and nervous because she doesn’t know what’s gonna happen. As a result, she almost never gets into trance. You know why? It’s because she’s just so self-conscious.”
“That’s quite natural, I suppose,” I offered. “Getting hypnotized, at least willingly and consciously, is not a normal, daily thing.”
“True,” Dr Fairweather replied. “But here’s what’s interesting. Things, however, always get much simpler the next couple of times they visit. It gets easier and easier to put them under trance. And by the sixth visit usually, I could put them under my spell at the snap of a finger.“
“Does that happen to most people who come to see you?”
He smiled. “You see, Derek, that’s what really excites me. More than 3,000 people have come to see me since I opened my practice, and guess what, every one of them showed this behavior. Every single one of them… with no exceptions.“
“Now here’s an idea,” I said. “Try doing everything inside one single session. For example, put her into trance, pull her out again, then put her back into trance. Do it quickly, say, within a couple of minutes. What you think?”
Dr Fairweather grinned knowingly. “Derek Rake, if you’re able to do that, you would have found the holy grail of covert seduction.”
Table of Contents
- 1 The Holy Grail Of Covert Seduction
- 2 What Is Fractionation?
- 3 Fractionation Is All Around You
- 4 Is Fractionation Immoral Or Illegal?
- 5 Examples Of Fractionation Seduction Lines
- 6 One Sentence Fractionation Hypnosis: For Texting & More
- 7 Timeline Fractionation Formula: Present vs Future
- 8 Fractionation Hypnosis: Watch This Masterclass
- 9 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- 9.1 Is Fractionation manipulation?
- 9.2 How to use Fractionation over text?
- 9.3 How to use Fractionation to get an ex back?
- 9.4 What are the Fractionation questions to ask a girl?
- 9.5 Is there a video on the Fractionation technique which I can watch?
- 9.6 Do you have more examples of Fractionation lines you can share?
The Holy Grail Of Covert Seduction
OK, let’s face it. “Dating” is tiresome and can be extremely excruciating.
Don’t you feel that attracting women is completely drawn out, needlessly complicated and not to mention expensive?
I do. 🙂
The solution to that problem is Fractionation. Unlike traditional dating which takes days or weeks (if you’re extremely lucky) or months or years (usually the norm), with Fractionation, you can short-circuit a woman’s brain and make her fall in love with you in literally minutes on the hour.
Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?
And guess what, here you’ll get a guide which will give you a head start in using this technique immediately in your dating life and see results quickly.
Isn’t that cool?
Nevertheless, before we proceed, there’s this one pitfall that I want you to avoid, and it is this –
You should not see it merely as a “trick”, or you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice…
Instead, you should look at Fractionation as a concept or principle. Once you understand this very important point, you will start seeing this phenomenon literally everywhere you look.
I’ll explain what this means by this in a short while, but first of all, you’ll need to know this…
This guide on Fractionation is fairly comprehensive, and written in a simple way so that it can be easily learned by just about anyone. If you follow this guide closely and (more importantly!) take action based on what you have learned, you will be successful with women – I guarantee it.
However, given the amount of details inside this guide, it can indeed be difficult to remember everything.
To help you out, I’ve created a step-by-step Action Checklist (in PDF format) which you can download and refer to whenever you want to use this technique on a woman.
Just leaf through this 18-page PDF and check off everything you need to do without wrecking your brain trying to “figure out” if you forgot anything. Easy peasy!
Download here:-
The Action Checklist is free on one important condition: when you have downloaded the PDF, please do not share it with anyone else. It’s for you, and you only.
What Is Fractionation?
If you’re familiar with the seduction and “pickup” scene, you should already know what Fractionation entails.
If you’re not, then here’s a useful definition:-
Before we go any further, understand this…
What I have described to you above is a special case of the technique when used in attracting women.
Here, over time can mean anything from minutes to hours, or even weeks. That’s not important.
You can take it slow, or you can go as fast as you can. It’s completely up to you.
Fractionation Is All Around You
Here are a couple of examples where you might have encountered Fractionation in your everyday life.
For example, if you’ve worked at a sales gig before, then you should have already encountered the Fractionation effect.
When the prospective client meets you for the first time, he is usually skeptical and may be somewhat cold to you. He listens defensively, or may be acknowledging your points politely without agreeing with you outright. He seems distant and somewhat detached.
This lack of rapport may drag on got the first two to three meetings. However, on one of the subsequent meetings he would suddenly start to warm up to you. (This is when the Fractionation effect kicks in.)
From that point onwards, he would be more receptive to what you’ve got to sell him. And if you play your cards right, you’ll close the sale.
Sounds familiar?
OK, so here’s another example…
When you’re reading a novel or watching a Hollywood movie, it’s easy to get completely engrossed with the story line.
In fact, women are known to be completely addicted to the soap operas they watch on TV or the trashy Mills and Boon novels that they read.
Why is this so? The answer is that each chapter of the book, or each scene in the movie is written or acted in such a way that it puts you into a short trance, and then pull you out from the trance, and then back into trance again. And that, my friend, is the Fractionation effect.
The truth is that all successful authors, scriptwriters and movie directors are masters at using Fractionation to put their audiences into trance. In fact, don’t be surprised if they have been schooled in advanced Mind Control in order to be successful… after all, mass media is all about putting people into one giant trance!
Can you imagine how much time and frustration that it will save you if you know how to use this technique on women?
The good news is that this knowledge is already available for you right here, right now.
For a free online Masterclass on how to use Mind Control to dominate women, enter your email address below –
Is Fractionation Immoral Or Illegal?
At this point, I’ve got to warn you…
Fractionation is often seen as “amoral” because of it can be used to purposefully damage a woman’s psyche and scar her emotionally (often for life).
However, the reality is that this technique is neither good nor bad.
Just like a knife or a gun, it can be used either as the means for self defense or a weapon to hurt other people. But if you want to know how to win a woman over quickly, then this is the best technique to achieve that, bar none.
What this means is that once you get a woman under your control using Fractionation, you can’t just make the effect go away so that she stops bugging you.
Worse, she may well turn into a (violent!) stalker – especially if she’s emotionally unstable. At the very least, you would have damaged her emotional well-being somewhat.
Therefore, if you have bad intentions or if you want to use this technique to hurt women, understand that you will most likely cause irreparable damage on their psyche. If this is the case, I want you to stop reading at this point and leave this website. I explicitly forbid you from using my work to cause harm on women.
(I’m not going to have that on my conscience.)
Of course, those with malicious intentions shouldn’t be watching my online Masterclass on Fractionation. They should probably go see a shrink instead and get their heads examined.
So, before you continue with the rest of this guide, watch this short video (prepared by Fredo Hill, a long-standing devotee of the Shogun Method) on how Mind Control techniques such as Fractionation can be used to manipulate women (in a positive way, and not to hurt them):
Examples Of Fractionation Seduction Lines
With all the niceties out of the way, let’s get you started, OK?
Here are some sample Fractionation hypnosis scripts which you can use:
- Have you ever met a person who you feel that he is meant to be with you?
- Even if you’ve only known him for five minutes, you knew deep down inside you…
- …that he will be an important part of your life, whether as a partner or only a friend.
- I have experienced that myself. I met someone who I grew very close to very quickly…
- …but only a few days later she got into a horrible car accident. She was gone.
- You seem to be a sweet, happy and baggage-free girl.
- But then, you may well a serial killer. Because you know, all serial killers seem to be pretty nice and happy on the outside.
- This morning at seven, I woke up and saw a Katana blade three inches from my forehead.
- It was my four-year-old brother. He’s going through a Samurai phase these days.
- It was pretty annoying, and I tried to brush him off.
- I was dozing back to sleep until he whacked my head with his plastic Katana.
One Sentence Fractionation Hypnosis: For Texting & More
In its simplest form, you can even get a woman to Fractionate using a single sentence!
Here’s the structure to follow: you express your approval over your target’s negative quality. The negative quality can be real or completely made up (it doesn’t matter.)
Below are some examples:-
- “I am fascinated by your bad manners.”
- “I am charmed by your lack of common sense.”
- “I am mesmerized by your severe lack of tact.”
- “I am enthralled by your mind-numbingly boring stories.”
- “I like you despite your lack of compassion for other human beings.”
You can also flip the structure around to express your disapproval over her positive qualities.
For example:-
- “I am grossed out by your good manners.”
- “I am intimidated by your cunning intellect.”
- “I am overwhelmed by your ability to hold your drink.”
- “I am disgusted at your boundless imagination and sense of adventure.”
- “I am repulsed by your ability to whip up a mean Caesar’s Salad.”
Note that the statement does not have to make sense (or even true) as long as it’s delivered in a lighthearted way.
There are more examples of such scripts inside the Shogun Method, but for now they should be enough to get you started. 🙂
The best thing about One Sentence Fractionation is that they can be use when you are texting a woman because of its brevity.
(This Action Checklist PDF is free, but once you’ve downloaded the document, kindly avoid sharing it with anyone else. Alright?)
Timeline Fractionation Formula: Present vs Future
As you have already seen, much of your success when you try to get a woman to Fractionate depends on your storytelling skills.
I’ll admit this much to you…
Storytelling is a skill that can indeed be difficult to master.
So, if you’re just getting your feet wet, I recommend a simpler variation of the technique called the “Timeline Fractionation”.
So here’s how “Timeline Fractionation” works.
Instead of telling a canned story or routine, you can ask her questions that shifts her focus from the present to the future and back to the present again.
Here’s an example –
- What do you for a living? (Then, ask her about what she likes and dislikes about her job, etc.)
- Is that what you’ve always wanted to do? (Get her to project into her future; i.e. the ideal job that she wants to have)
- What do you like about your current job? What don’t you like about it? (Notice that you’re pulling back to the present)
- Imagine now you’re doing the thing that you’ve always wanted to do. How would you feel then? …etc
Does that make sense?
Fractionation Hypnosis: Watch This Masterclass
In August 2005, a book called “The Game” by Neil Strauss was published. It was a watershed moment for the (then) underground Pickup Artist community.
In the book, the author had mentioned an obscure technique known as the October Man Sequence, and how it had the purported superpowers to make a woman fall in love in very short amount of time.
Over the years, the October Man has declined somewhat in popularity, and has been superseded by what many call as October Man 2.0 – the Black Rose Sequence. (The Black Rose Sequence is found in the Enslavement module inside the Shogun Method.)

Apart from the Black Rose, the Shogun Method contains many more “flavors” of Fractionation (like One Sentence Fractionation as well as Locational Fractionation) as well as a complete guide on the Roller Coaster Mind Control storytelling method.
But that’s not all…
The Intrigue-Rapport-Attract method inside Shogun Method will give you a concise road map to chart out your game plan, giving you a clear strategy to get any woman that you want.
For more sample Fractionation scripts as well as the most complete collection on Mind Control-based seduction techniques (dubbed as Shogun Sequences) as well as the Black Rose Sequence, click on this button below:-
(You will need to enter your primary email because the invite to the Masterclass is emailed to you directly to prevent abuse.)
As the final disclaimer: we cannot take responsibility on the actions that you choose to take from attaining this knowledge.
The risk of someone going crazy with this information to hurt women psychologically is very real.
Therefore, please agree with me that you won’t abuse this knowledge to cause harm on women. OK?
Derek Rake – Shogun Method founder & lead coach
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is Fractionation manipulation?
Frankly, yes, it is. Like all other Mind Control techniques, Fractionation is as manipulative as it gets. Then again, all seduction is manipulation – you’re “manipulating” a woman in order to develop feelings for you.
Truthfully, there are lots of guys out there who just couldn’t stomach using Fractionation (or Shogun Method) on the women that they want to attract, and that’s entirely fine. After all, Mind Control is not for everybody.
How to use Fractionation over text?
It’s definitely possible to use Fractionation when you’re texting a woman. You’ve got to keep the lines short and punchy for obvious reasons, and so the One Sentence Fractionation lines (as I’ve described above) will work wonders for you.
Makes sense, right?
There’s one thing that you’ll need to watch out for though – it will probably not work if you’ve not developed any real, face-to-face rapport with her. I certainly don’t recommend using Fractionation on a stranger over text, or someone you’ve not met yet, face-to-face.
How to use Fractionation to get an ex back?
Despite what many believe, Fractionation is not just for someone you’ve just met. In fact, it works even better on an existing relationship because you can then draw on real past experiences to get her to Fractionate.
In fact, many of my clients use Fractionation scripts to rekindle old romances, or to get their ex girlfriends or wives back. The key here is to make her both happy and sad by recalling the experiences that you have shared with her in the past.
And since you’ve got a history of past experiences with her, making her Fractionate can be really easy. Do you see why?
Here’s more good news…
There’s one new Fractionation routine which is designed especially to work on ex girlfriends or wives by tapping into their past experiences with you. It’s inside the Fractionation Action Checklist which you can download here for free.
What are the Fractionation questions to ask a girl?
OK, I’ll clarify this right now. Fractionation is not to be confused with the “ask three questions to make a girl horny” stuff that you see everywhere else on the Internet these days.
The only questions you’ll ask is to make a girl revisit past experiences which will make her feel happy or sad (depending on the Fractionation cycle she is in.) These questions will usually take the form of “How do you feel when…” or “Remember the time when…”.
By the way, if you’re still wondering about the “ask three questions that will make a girl hot”, then here’s the answer: there are no such questions. Trust me, it’s a ruse. 🙂
Is there a video on the Fractionation technique which I can watch?
Yes, there is. I have recorded a Masterclass which goes through a handful of Mind Control techniques which you can attend by clicking here.
There’s something that you need to know though, and it’s this…
We do have to take the Masterclass offline from time to time whenever we get lots of “heat” from, well, people who hate us. 🙂 Go to that page and see if you can get in – if not, you’ll just need to wait I suppose.
Yes! There are two fresh sets of Fractionation routines which you can download by clicking here.
The first set is what known as “Locational Fractionation” which you can use in combination with “regular” verbal Fractionation which will create an illusion of familiarity with you. The second set is a specialized Fractionation sequence which you can use to rekindle an old romance or get an ex-girlfriend back.
Exciting stuff, right?
Finally, I’ve got a question for you…
Finally, a full guide on fractionation. I’m tired to looking for this (and the Black Rose Sequence) at the forums and finding junk. Printed and pasted in the mirror!
You must have a very, ahem, LONG mirror.
I am skeptical but I would like to learn such techniques to save my marriage. I found out that some guy is using this technique to steal my wife (she’s got a naive mind). Would this help me to get my wife back and my family together again? Leave a comment here as it may help others too.
Please, don’t publish my email.
Yes, it works. Fight fire with fire!
Thank you for this.
Fractionation is the ultimate leverage for a guy when it comes to dating. Seriously, it really ups my game.
By far the most complete Fractionation guide online. Can’t wait to see what’s inside the Shogun Method!
Shogun Method is already here – https://shogunmethod.com/
Good stuff! Thanks!
I knew someone named “Jack” once. He used this stuff on me and messed up my mind. Grudgingly, I must admit that it worked on me.
Can I ask you questions in private?
You can ask Derek in private over at his platform – https://shogunmethod.net/
Wow, finally an explanation that is simple enough to understand. Thanks, Cal!
If you experienced what I have then you wouldn’t be sharing this information with anyone.
Please, for the men reading this post, if you have to trick a woman into loving you, what then are you saying about yourself and your moral character? And to this post, you’re guilty by association; posting a warning doesn’t excuse your actions.
Fractionation is beyond horrific, it’s mind shattering, its irreversible and sharing this information is just as bad. It rips a persons mind in two and that’s a light way of putting it.
Men, I promise, fractionation ALWAYS ENDS BADLY, for YOU TOO. Lastly, remember karma is knocking at your door, albeit good or bad. Hope you choose wisely. Make the right choice or pay the piper.
Well, Jessica, you absolutely have to right to judge. Do you know what men have to go through? It’s not all “rainbows and sunshine” for us guys. If there’s something that we can use to level the playing field then you can bet that we will use it.
Don’t be so self-righteous!
Um, last time I checked, we were living in a patriarchal system where being a straight man is considered the default. Men don’t have to deal with the pervasive street harassment, rampant sexual assault, constant microaggressions, etc. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen to men, but when 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, it becomes pretty clear that something is wrong. The idea that women are objects, and the general concept behind this article, perpetuates this toxicity.
Speaking as a single woman immersed in the dating culture, I promise you, women are hoping for the same things you are. We want to interact with someone who shares our interests, jokes, and hobbies. By reducing women to a reward, and suggesting mind control, you are objectifying and belittling them, reinforcing the very foundations of rape culture.
For those of you seriously considering this article, I’m sorry you feel so desperate that you’re researching mind control. Nevertheless, I ask you to imagine how your future partner would feel if they learned about your use of fractionation. If the response is anything less than positive, you should stop now. Healthy relationships are based on honesty, understanding, and acceptance. By attempting to start your relationship on a gimmick you are sabotaging any open communication channels before you even meet your partner. Instead try to strike up a normal conversation, tell a joke, or open with the cheesiest pickup line you can think of.
The biggest way to attract a woman is to treat her like a person. I met my current boyfriend when he approached me doing research for a class project. We spent 20 minutes quoting literature, chatting about our Harry Potter houses, and making bad puns. If he can do it, you can do the same, all you need is passion, the appearance of confidence- feigned or authentic, and genuine interest in what the other person is saying.
Taking this article off the site doesn’t make Fractionation go away.
And to the guys who are reading this: nobody is forcing you to use this technique (or Shogun Method) on women. Do it at your own risk, and with your eyes wide open.
I made my choice a long time ago, and I’ve not looked back since.
Winning a woman’s heart these days is about as easy as persuading a bureaucracy to do something good instead of bad, which is the norm for them. And we all know how hard THAT is!!!! One wrong move, even if SLIGHT, will get us rejected and emasculated. That’s not feminist, that’s evil. Since when is feminist stuff evil? It’s not, as you well know.
As for society being in favor of guys with my description, here’s my story:
And I am a straight white male that grew up in a middle class family.
My life has been hell since I was 12 back in 1992. My mother, a woman, and I were fighting far too often for roughly 25 years (65% of my life) and I’ve been miserable that entire time, not knowing whether I would ever escape the abusive relationship with mom.
I finally did, but not before some insane damage was done to me. Oh, and I also suffered from a head injury that caused some nasty symptoms which lasted about 11 years or so. That made EVERYTHING a whole lot worse.
Now I am closing in on 40 and I have the same hellish life I did 25 years ago.
And get this: When I was seeking help getting out of the relationship with a WOMAN that was destroying me from the inside, people were REFUSING. Tell me since when is it ok to turn down a MAN’S requests for help in getting out of an abusive relationship?
It NEVER is ok.
But since I’m a man, who has to give a f*ck about me? Since I’m a white man, same thing. Since I’m a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN…. same thing.
And I know TONS of men that fit my description that have had very bad lives.
But since the narrative is that WE are the aggressors and women are the dainty victims, nobody gives a flying F.
As for dating and seduction, did it EVER occur to you that I’m NOT going to use this stuff to hurt women, but win the hearts of women that I know would be good for me?
I’ve asked Derek Rake, the creator of this stuff, that if I am with a woman and want her to be happy with someone else (if I die, for example) will she be able to? The name of the last module of Shogun is “enslavement”. Clearly with what I just said, I am NOT out to harm women, but to PROTECT them.
Nah…. you just want to paint me and my fellow man as evil.
A man I don’t know used fractionation on me for a period of 8 months in order to abuse me sexually and discard of me afterwards.
I never had any sexual encounters with him.
But the psychological abuse he put me through broke my brain and I got PTSD for 2 years because of it. His game of his was simply harassment, he never respected me and the only reason I had to endure his behavior was because he was my professor 35 years older than and I didn’t even speak english back then, so I didn’t understand what he was doing at first.
This was just blunt humiliation to hurt me because he is a misogynist. If this man would have succeed in having sex with me (and you can be sure it would have been compliance by coercion and not consensual) I am pretty convinced I would have killed myself.
The only reason he didn’t succeed was because I asked my family to explain to me what was going on, and it happens that my mother knew better than to trust a man looking for a trophy.
You can be sure that by using fractionation, you will get compliance, but you will never gain real consent, and the day a woman will look at you with the feeling of having been raped by fraud, not only will she never be the same again, but you won’t either.
Fractionation is really not a great thing, and it is easy to see in the article that the author is a narcissist that doesn’t take accountability for his positions. It is obvious to me that the reason he keeps saying that women can get hurt is because women DO get hurt, each and every time.
This is not a miracle. This is a lie that will never make you gain the love, respect and admiration you crave.
You will make yourself some enemies and victims, but you will never gain a true lover with this technique. NEVER.
This goes on to show that men who use Fractionation must do it ethically. There are quite a number of bad apples in the Shogun Method community, and Derek Rake is not to be blamed for them!
I find it interesting that women are posting here. This is not for you! Men have been manipulated, abused and divorce raped repeatedly over the past 40 years thanks to toxic feminism. Then theres the mental health issues of women…
So… tell me, why would ANY man want fo be subjected to a completely lopsided relationship where HE pays all the bills, yet she refuses to work, cook or clean house, much less provide sex on demand. Who wants a lazy girl who pulls the pin on the fat grenade just as soon as she gets under a marriage contract?
Is a woman punished for cheating? F no!
Woman has no value not accountability to man these days other than sex. And with this being the case, 3 or 4 dates at a total cost of about $300 before he actually gets laid, IF he gets lucky… its financially a horrible return on investment.
If women truly want men to come back to the table then they will proceed with changing the family law court system and the judicial system so that men and women spend the same amount of time in jail for the same crime, and alimony is abolished. Feminism enabled Women to go to school and to earn their own money. So you girls either need to get your shit together or just stay at home drink your wine and enjoy your cats. We Hello no longer be treated as disposable resources or emotional tampons.
Dude. Two words. SUPER. EFFECTIVE. all I’m gonna say.
*thumbs up*
Used this on my ex and she came crawling back into my arms. Unbelievable… but I’m honestly in a pickle. This shit works, guys
My question now is,is there anyother website i can find anything more about fractionation,such as case-study scripts?
The only place you can find the full Fractionation technique and all of its variants (time-based Fractionation, location-based Fractionation, one sentence Fractionation, Fractionation 2.0 and the Black Rose Sequence) is here: shogunmethod.com
I’ve been an ardent student of Mind Control for the longest time, and I’ve been using the techniques successfully over a 10 year career as the Chief Marketing Officer of a mid-sized consumer products company here in Seattle. I’ve never really thought of using Mind Control on women, and one day out of curiosity, I did a Google search, and bingo!
An old aficionado of persuasion and influence (I once learned at the feet of a certain “Godzilla” – the nickname of the biggest persuasion expert ever), I will attest to the fact that something like Fractionation definitely works when used to develop deep rapport with a woman. Of course, like every other tool out there, it can be misused for harm.
If you have good intentions, then use this – you’ll never find a better technique out there, period. I am speaking from experience.
Well said, Bob. Nailed it on the head.
This looks really like magic. Does it really work? I’m kinda hesitating to try it!
Nope, not “magic”. Fundamentally, it’s hardcore science.
My name is Vale, and I’m from a small town up here in Scotland (Larkhall to be exact).
I got very inspired reading your techniques. May the good Lord bless you. Thanks.
Thank you, Vale. Glad you found this guide useful!
How do I order for your books? Are you on Amazon?
Don: no, we are too “edgy” to be on a mainstream retailer like Amazon!
Go here:
I don’t have a credit card, but I do have a Paypal account though (which is linked to my bank account). Does this work? I am in the UK. Please email me with instructions.
Yep, Paypal works.
Why would anyone want to use mind control to hurt women? The truth is that only low status individuals who use these techniques as a cover to mask their own insecurities around women would do such a thing.
You don’t need to use manipulation to attract women just build up a powerful internal state. First, be honest and make friendly eye contact. Then, feel the build-up of excitement inside you, and let that feeling overwhelm you. Why? Because when you are capable of this you will sub-communicate your feelings to the woman you are talking to.
Ask any woman what they like and she will tell you that she likes honesty and feeling good around you. Show interest in her, and compliment her. Be polite and don’t force bullshit down her throat. Respect her like how you would respect your own mother or sister. Build rapport, then back off a little… and then build a little more, and then back off (in other words, Fractionation!)
Always make the woman want more, and let her take the initiative to seduce you.
Thanks John for commenting this.
I absolutely can’t believe such a thing exists on the web WOW.
I happened to be on this page because someone used it on me and I needed a way OUT. I’m in such a mess because of crap like this.
Most men using this are harming women… otherwise you wouldn’t have the word enslave written everywhere.
Some guy used this technique on me in an abusive relationship. It hit me to the core as he was 100% on-the-spot with this technique. Now I can’t work out if he was being cruel to be kind or if I thank him he’s just gonna mess with my head like my ex did. I’m completely confused as I navigate through the reverse psychology that he had subjected me to. Can you offer me any advice or at least point me towards someone who can? I don’t want to end up getting damaged over this.
Evie: I’m sorry, but there’s no undo for this. Maybe if you’d see how this technique works for yourself –
Then, you may be able to reverse its effects. Sorry that I can’t be more helpful.
Evie, it is reversible. Like everything in life this technique works on addiction principle. This technique works on men too. All it does is it makes one attractive to us and we want to be around them all the time. Think of smoking or your favourite food: it is hard, but it can be done.
This technique is nothing but a form hypnosis. The problem is simply that your hypnotist doesn’t know how to wake you up from it. And would probably not want to anyway. As no one else knows what went on, perception is that nobody “can help” you.
But the good news is that you can help yourself. Just think of it as self-awakening from a self-induced hypnosis.
The first, and almost always the only step you need to do, is to become aware of your addiction (you will think about it as being in love with the person). Once you understand that, you are free. You are not really in love. You are simply led into a way of thinking (which is what hypnosis is based on) that makes someone very important to you.
In other words, you have been simply subjected to a suggestion. Now, remember here that the actual content of suggestion is irrelevant. As the article above says, what matters is the principle under which this suggestion (fractionation) works.
I have found out that many people affected by this method (men too, make no mistake) can bring their emotions out of the loop by looking into the mirror and saying out loud “YOU have been hypnotised!” and clapping with their hands as loud as possible. Do that as many times a day as you find necessary. It is a reversing suggestion that WILL bring you out of the loop. How many times you need to do it is individual. Some people are softer and more emotional – they need to do this for longer than the less emotionally inclined persons.
Other people found solution in combining this with reminding themselves that their ex (often) partner is (for they ALL are) an ordinary, often just a step above the loser, person who too goes to toilet, snores, burps, farts etc. In short despite one’s perception, just another person on the street. No superman/woman here.
They just used the words to fool you into thinking that they are “the one”.
There is no such thing. We can and often do have multiple partner in life. Many people “fall in love madly” with someone, marry and within a short period of time they fall apart and divorce. They go on and then find someone else and again, fal “madly” in love with that person.
So, clap those palms in front of your mirror and remind yourself of this one single fact: you are your boss and you control your emotions. No one can actually take them forever. Those who try, especially through hypnosis, are cowards who do not know how to approach and treat a woman.
No woman should settle with a low life coward. She should appreciate and respect herself enough to understand that. And seek a guy who will gain her trust by being honest. Someone who does not manipulate your feelings in order to win you over.
Aidan, I really hope that there are more guys like you in this world. I really do. But the truth is that the REAL world is far removed from what you have imagined.
When the day comes when you’ve got your heart broken then you’ll open your eyes and see the world for what it is: brutish and merciless.
Now you are using fractionation again!
He’s the expert on Fractionation – he learned directly from Derek Rake. Why do you think he WON’T use it here? 🙂
Thank you; that was very useful. But I still have a question in my mind…
Should I use this trick immediately upon meeting her? Or is there something else to do before I start the routine?
Good question. It will be weird to immediately launch into Fractionation upon meeting a woman. Build the foundational rapport first, or better still, drop her an Intrigue Ping (“I” inside the IRAE Model.)
Thank you for the cheat sheet. Very helpful!
I won’t mince my words here, but I was as skeptical as fuck about this… there’s just so much crap spewed out there when it comes to dating and seduction advice. Reluctantly I gave this a go and geez… it actually worked. I don’t know why it worked, but it did. What the actual fuck, I know.
I don’t blame you. All it takes is just one try, and you’ll be a convert. Seriously. That was what happened to me, and I’m a true believer now. 🙂
Fractionation saved my dating life, literally. I’ve been searching high and low for something like this all my life. Not to get into the full gory details, but I’m now with the woman of my dreams. Awesome sauce!
Hi, I am 17 years old,I asked my parents for the credit card because I wanted to purchase the Shogun Method but it keeps saying not approved.
Don’t buy Shogun Method. You’re too young, and you won’t be able to handle it.
If the kid says he’s okay with it , why not ? He’ll be in college soon , I’m sure he can handle it
How long will it take me to master the Shogun Method and begin to see some results? By the way, you are doing a great service to MANkind. Thumbs up.
Cal, since you and Derek Rake are somehow connected, was wondering if you know of some hardcore persuasion stuff like what Derek Mentioned in Shogun ala MK Delta. Derek recently released a re-done version of a book by Jordan Hill, but I am HUNGRY for more.
If it’s ok with you, I’d like to learn as much as I can, or as much as you’re willing to reveal to me. Feel free to email me and discuss it if you’re willing.
Wow! This totally works for women when used on men, too! I mean, for a reasonably attractive woman it’s not hard to get a guy to sleep with you, but being able to mind-control men into actually caring… that’s awesome.
I’ve been sharing this with all my girlfriends. I can’t wait to learn about enslavement.
Jess no offence but this is mostly a product reserved for guys . It says so on the page . So you could respect the creator’s wishes and not spread it to women . That’d just be overkill .
Sir I have a question, I dont know if someone already ask this or did what I am about to ask. Now here, Is it possible for a person to fractionate people at the same time. From what I understand is that you can erase the personality of the girl you like and instill a new persona that is good for you. Now earlier you told that It’s dangerous at worst is that the girl may turn to stalker. So basically the girl is loyal to you and she doesnt want to share you with other woman. Now what I’m implying about my question that is it possible to fractionate 2 girls or more at the same time and give them a new persona like both of you are my wife, no need to fight or worry to the other girl because you condition them to cooperate with the other woman. If that is the case, I think its possible to manipulate girls even without the same time and make her cooperate with your other woman as long as you instill a persona that gets along with the other girls/women. But then it’s really a cruel thing to do. Sorry for the long question, I’m just fascinated about this things as I am a psychology student and hypnotism is one of our topic. I hope you can answer my question. Thanks.
James: short answer is yes. I’d have to craft a new article if you want a longer answer. 🙂
Hi, can i use this to someone who i used to date? i have a girl friend and we used to date and both have feelings for each other. apparently last month she said she wants us to be pure friends. she said her feelings were gone. but she’s giving me mixed signals. she takes an hour or more before replying to my messages unlike before. so im wondering if i can use this. we’re still talking and going out.
This is the most messed up crap I’ve read in a long time. first of all do you a** h*%^# have any idea just how many crazy psychotic men are out there not to forget the ever growing number of men with narcissistic personality disorder. You are worthless and pathetic. if you are unable to get a woman to like you, fall in love with you by just being who you are then there is a reason you would think you need this. You are victimizing woman and should be thrown in jail.
I’ll admit that this stuff works (it worked on me), but it doesn’t mean it’s RIGHT for you to teach other men to do this!
and btw, my boyfriend of ten years has been reading this shit and it’s not in order to keep me. He has extreme narcissistic tendencies whether or not he has NPD I couldn’t say as I am not a professional therapist but he has used this on me and I’m stuck with him ever since. I can’t quit him.
I spent most of my younger years alone, struggling to meet someone special. I went from one bad relationship to the next. Five and half years ago i finally met what can only be described as my soulmate. We connect on so many levels and I’ve finally never felt so happy. Then about a year ago a man at work started to use these techniques on me. I feel like I’m being mentally broken. I don’t want to loose the person i love but the person using these techniques is relentless and i don’t know what to do. I’m scared and sad and don’t know what to do anymore. I feel paranoid, insane etc but can’t confront them because what they are doing to me isn’t out there to confront. Meditation isn’t working. Why would you destroy peoples happiness and lives this way ? Why couldn’t this man just have befriended me when i was single and become my friend and gone from there. Why wait to ruin my life. Be a decent person and don’t use this shit on women.
How do i get on your e mailing list.
Does it work with long distant relationship?
I m looking for many womens in my area having sex with everyone can i do this using these techniques
Thank you for sharing this knowledge. Men need to know this!
Now I feel pathetic for being rejected and friendzoned for so long (to the point of almost committing suicide more than once) when something like this existed.
One question: if a girl friendzoned me, can I use this method to “break through” the wall she built?
This was used covertly by someone I dated with cruel, selfish, sadistic intentions and it basically destroyed my professional and personal life over the course of two years.
If you decide to try this, add value to women’s lives and keep it lighthearted.
Be a hero, not a slimeball.
The author is correct when he eludes how misuse of this will become your own downfall. Never underestimate the lengths people will go to for revenge when you mess with their heads like this.
How do I get this done?
I agree with Jessica & your indignant ‘don’t be so self righteous’ contradicts your warning. It’s purely an advertising technique that matches your fractionation theory. I have studied NPD for the last two years & you have all the traits.
After reading the article i gotta say this is a very dangerous info out there!
I’m an honest person and i won’t use these knowledge to hurt women but in the real world i think there are too many women who deserve to be treated like this.
True dominance and submission is about CONSENT, TRUST and HONESTY. It is an exchange of power. That’s the fucking beauty in it. It has to be given to you and you have to be worthy of it.
Guys, wouldn’t you rather have a woman who DESIRES to submit to you because of something authentic? Because she values you for who you actually you are, trusts you and feels safe with you? I just fail to see the point of this. Mind games and emotional manipulation just seem desperate and shady, the exact opposite qualities that attract women to dominant men. This is the equivalent of the silent treatment and withholding sex. If you have to manipulate someone to want to be with you or to get what you want, I think it would be better for both parties to instead seek out partners that are more compatible with them. There are badass dominant women, badass submissive men, there are feminist submissive women and feminist dominant men. It’s all about finding the right person and trusting that they will stick around if they are the right match.
For strong, intelligent, stable women that are submissive in bed or in their relationships, it is a refuge for us. And we will only take refuge in a safe place.
I think if I found out that a man did this to me I would in turn view him as insecure and needy, would immediately lose any respect or sexual attraction and say my goodbyes.
I don’t disagree with ALL of what is said here. I do agree that most women are not attracted to weak men. But so then can’t it just be as easy to do the work to be the best version of yourself and then find a comparable partner?
Also just to point out while we’re talking about the very real differences between men and women. Women are far more intuitive then men, so good luck with this approach on a woke ass woman.
Finally a comment box, hi there, as someone above already mentioned, I’ll join the crowd. I first don’t know to thank you or despise this sharing, as I was for the past years a subject of trauma bonding. Even though struggling to break free I am holding myself to not have another relapse, the one last thing kept me on edge is not being able to put my finger on it, whether it was truth that I wanted to believe or just a facade and me the supply. Traumatic bond is not a joke and I know that you know that, you seem after this article to me dangerously intelligent. On the other hand it is just a glimpse I got so far. I’d never try to use fractionation on anyone living, as it goes against ones free will! You can warn malignant individuals not to use it for their benefits on the cost of their target but let’s be honest all you it is good for to secure your own position on not advocating abuse of any kind. Now even though it sounds harsh and you don’t deserve me coming in on your own page and viciously attack you for it, I somewhere perhaps due to the traumatic bond and the mixture of the last piece of my sane self wanna thank you for sharing this knowledge with me, as now I see the exact things I could never explain but noticed them right away. I wanna add, by fractioning and of course you know that, you are causing extreme distress to the victim and confusion that results in the distortion of ones reality. I understand you are mind reader and maybe can spot the wounded immediately but sure those guys they wanna get a fast romance can too? The damage this mind game will cause, not even can cause but will most certainly is irreversible and most often permanent. However this was the missing piece and even though it’s a bitter sweet recognition to me, and even though I’ll never use it, I know now how it’s called. That it isnt me going crazy, and I know now he never meant to happen for me so I can finally lay back and rest not being on the verge and alert and not being stuck between illusion and reality. I might have been harsh, so were you, as a woman and victim of narcissistic abuse I still wanna thank you for giving me the last piece of the puzzle.
Bless you
One more thing, as I read all of your article where you promise superficial power to the needy who are perhaps not having the gut to just be who they are, as far as physical or emotional abuse goes this way of treating someone is at the end of the day abuse, no matter which kind. Please erase your statement that you are being attacked on breeding psychopaths and narcissists and instead admit you are doing it. It’s not a higher level of dating advice this is serious shit given in hands you’ve no idea whether they can handle a gun responsible or not. It is a disaster. And however my ex wasn’t member of your secret group and however toxic people out there already know instinctively the brutal manipulations they inflict upon their prey you are still advocating the cycle of abuse to continue which is irresponsible. You mentioned as well that you have no interest of respecting morals value and governmental policies, by means you are admitting to be toxic yourself, I’ll admit in your case it goes further than just narcissism but you fit the traits of the Dark Triad. Your founding and interpretation is poisoning which is contrary of nurturing which coaching is about. I’d say there must be soon added a new title for your profession which could be called instead of coaching, selfish beneficiary dark whatever else you can come up with that’s negative. I’ll come back to my bitter sweet theory of you I’ve mentioned in my previous comment because after all you gave me the last piece of the puzzle, actually wikipedia has given me that you just put it in practice by giving some examples to read. However grateful for this founding you shouldn’t be operating a business such as this. You are basically giving the recipe of nuclear weapons in hands of clueless idiots that can’t get a woman on their own. Real pathetic type of so called men in the world. Of course if everyone would be so intelligent and psychopathic as yourself you wouldn’t have a business to call yours. You prey on mindless puppets that actually believe through an online course will become successful mothefuquers.
Its ill and irresponsible nevertheless cruel and barbaric.
Please consider deciding whether you are advocating enslavement or seduction, because you somewhere mention to attract the sheeps reading your article that they with the power of fractioning given will not seduce only women but enslave, that goes against the will of the individual. Later throughout your bubbling you keep using the word seduction which is something much milder form of attraction one that doesn’t go against ones free will, one that be decided by the individual and no target. The worst of all in manipulation is that you take the chances away from the targeted individual of bringing freely decision, you are robbing the autonomy of a person. You also mention in your article that in order to enslave a woman to love you must go through hell, must suffer. Its toxic. Love shouldn’t hurt love should be empowering and uplifting. Why on earth you think that’s not a criminal act on purposely make someone to suffer until it’s beaten into full submission. Because that’s what happens. People will suffer. My guess is that you don’t even mind that which checks the box and scores the highest on psychopathy. You are right, emotional abuse can not be traced back and the abuser can not been hold accountable under the law because their is no enough evidence that can proof that. So you have secured your safe spot to further advocate the evil yet not been hold accountable for it. Brilliant and devilish.
I never truly believed that there is evil out there until I have seen this.
As to those who are victim of trauma bonding, the result of fractioning that creates confusion and results in distorting of ones reality I advice to educate yourself through real coaches and professionals about trauma bonding, do an inside work take back your life you meant to live the way you want to!
I am sure my comments will not be posted as they are awaiting moderation says… however, someone reads it I am sure of that.
Vera: like everything else, Fractionation can be used for good, or for bad. What’s important is the intention. Men are not evil by default. Many use Shogun Method for good.
True, then why are you using continue the terms ” break her” , ” enslave ” andsuch. Read your article long ago forgot most of the words but they sound powerful and for the good. Still if you don’t mind I’ll soon purchase shogun method, just to educate myself on what to avoid for the rest of my life. I do believe you would have an even larger public if you would use this knowledge to educate survivors and the public in general.
If more women understand Shogun Method, the better the world will be!
I’m still struggling with creating stories to fractionate her
Man this thing happend to me 5 years back, i just know this method exist in 2021. I’m done reading shogun method, the black book, rollercoaster and reseducing.
this thing is happend in 2014-2016 when i still in highschool, so i was having a crush to my classmate, i madly in love with her but she rejected me for 2 years (since 2012) im starting to lose hope because we want to graduate. I’m try to find someone new (my ex)
At the first time i had no itention to make her my girlfriend, i’m just enjoy her company, at this point i just treat her like my friend nothing special, i do often pick her up after highschool to take her home, we hang out for a few time its just both of us because we didn’t have any shared friends. I talked about other girls too to her, i’m just fooling around say things like “you passed a qualification to be my gf, but i think you’re not ready yet” just for a joke, i don’t intentionally to make her my gf
After a month she start giving me a hint like (english is not my first language) “perempuan butuh kepastian” few time. at that time i still felt rejected by my crush and i’m not ready to be in relationship yet, but in my mind i felt comfortable with this girl, and fear of missing kick in. So i give it a go, we start relationship in november 2014.
Just after 2 weeks in relationship she start behave like overly attached girlfriend sort of things, and i still want to be free and treat her not my number one priority.
Our emotional relationship oscillate like entice and repel naturally, i should tell you guys its the best feeling i ever experienced in my life, i get the best treatment, the best sex, she knows what i need before i even asking, then we goes to a long distance relationship, she studied in other town we meet like once a month for 3 days
We broke up because i want to pursuing my career as an engineer for motorcycle racing team. Long story short it happend like this :
I was overwhelmed by new things to learn and stupid me think that her holding me back, so i tell her that i need time alone, i keep good attitude i’ll not flirting with other girl, then block all contact with her. She called my family to ask what i’m doing, etc. In my mind i’m doing a right thing and she overly attached with me so nothing gonna happend
After 3 months, my sister tell me that she have a boyfriend. I’m panic.. things get ugly, i beg her to be with me, i’d try to reason her, text her hundreds time tell her i’m regret, i try seeking help from her friends, its really ugly, its still hurt to remember this. It went like a month until she change her number, we have no contact ever since (i didn’t know that this is a rebound relationship)
After 3 months she suddenly called me to ask what i’m doing, she tell how great her life now and she hint that she’s single now. And then i fucked up again because i think she gave me another chance and you know how desperate people behave, yeah thats me when i got that information. And you know the result is? She’s gone..
every attempt to make a contact with her is not possible, the only chance is to get through note on bank transfer, but i think i’m just gonna use it if there’s a real emergency. It’s 5 years and i still can’t stop thinking about her.
I’d try to find someone new but i never found the chemistry like me and my ex, i ended up losing interest after few dates. Like there no one better than her. I didn’t go on a date for like a year now, don’t ask me where do i read this books.
My point is this technique is a natural phenomenon based on my experience like woman is not your number 1 priority, emotional rollercoaster, making her in her “hot” state, etc. I can’t say that i’m a natural shogun method user but you get the idea. As a plus now i know how to handle break up.
So thank you Cal to post this information, and this comment section is the most real comment section i found. I hope you’re doing well.
Thank you, Breeze. Great story.
Hi, whats your take on a married woman with kids letting you give her a foot massage and bringing outfits to work at your request? (mostly skirts). i have been flirting and teasing her for five months now. In other cases i would already go for it of course, but in this case, i dont want a relationship, just some fun but i know she loves the husband but also she is mind numbingly bored. How can i be sure she wants the same as me?
Don’t do it.