If there’s one thing I can be sure of when it comes to love and relationships, it is this…
If you’re in love with a woman and she’s the one who is dominating the relationship, it’s going to be hell.
Here’s the thing… if the woman is the dominant one in the relationship, you can be sure that she’s not happy either.
Well, here’s the reason. Sure, every woman wants to be respected and cherished by men. However, she is happiest when she is with a man who leads her and make important decisions for her.
In other words, she wants a dominant partner, not a wimp.
Sure, there are lots of ways you can use to dominate a woman emotionally…
But for me, I like to use shortcuts which give me the quickest results the easy way. One of these shortcuts on how to dominate a woman is by using Mind Control.
Table of Contents
How To Dominate Your Girlfriend (Emotionally)
One of my favorite Mind Control techniques is taught to me by Derek Rake. (If you don’t know who he is… well, just Google his name.)
I learned this tactic from him through his flagship Shogun Method program (which I have reviewed here). It’s called the “Fake Breakup”, and let me tell you this – it works like gangbusters!
So what you want to do with this trick is to make her feel doubtful and insecure about herself. (Trust me: every woman feels doubtful and insecure no matter who she is.)
Once you’ve done that, you will then exploit her insecurity in order to exert dominance on her. A piece of cake!
The Fake Breakup Tactic
So how do you make her feel doubtful and insecure then?
Simple… by “faking” a breakup with her!
First, go “missing” a couple of days. When she calls, don’t pick up.
Don’t stop there! When she texts you, answer with ambiguous, one-word answers like “hey”, “yes” and “maybe”. You want to confuse the shit out of her!
Now here comes the killer move: send her a “Fake Breakup” message.
Don’t call her. Text her something like this:
“I’ve thought about it. Let’s take some time off.”
See, you don’t explicitly say that you want to “break up”.
Remember… create lots of doubt in her mind, and make her guess what you really mean. And then, sit back and watch her go fucking apeshit!
From this moment on, if her attraction for you is real, she will try to win you back.
Push her more until her breaking point! And then, when she nearly breaks, pull her back in with a simple text:
“I love you.”
When this happens, she will be running back into your arms. Subconsciously, she will accept your dominance and will be obedient and subservient to you like a little puppy. It’s really powerful!
Killer Resource!
The “Fake Breakup” tactic is a variation of Fractionation which is a Mind Control concept popularized by Derek Rake in his flagship program, Shogun Method. (Go here for a free Shogun Method online masterclass.)
Use this “Fake Breakup” technique and let me know how it goes for you. 🙂
Gtfoh what joke LMFAO! It’s such a turn off to me when guys do this shit. Give me a man who shows concern for my well being and is genuinely nice to me out of respect and not just to get validation of his sexual market value and he won’t get the ice queen. He’ll get a woman who respects him right back. Games don’t work. Women evaluate behavior and we file all that shit away in our rolodex in retrieve it to compare to similar actions. Then we decide if you are truly relationship material or need to be nexted.
I will have to reluctantly disagree. Let’s face it, gals. This absolutely works. The first step in tackling a problem is to ACKNOWLEDGE that it exists. I yearn for a man to dominate me, and I get turned off by wimps who try to please my every whim and fancy. I’m tired of dating spineless men.
Either Georgina is really a George trolling, or she needs legitimate help.
I’m suspecting that YOU are the troll instead.
I honestly can’t imagine worse advice; maybe advocating for some sort of abuse. Seriously, don’t do this. Here’s the REAL trick to getting a woman who has some self-respect: be respectful, and have the confidence to take charge when you feel you need to (and usually, don’t feel the need to that often). It’s really not hard.
Sorry, Natalie, but this really not how it works for us guys. It’s a bloodbath out there, and we all need that something extra just to level the playing field a little. We have no malicious intentions at all – trust me on this.
This is malicious. It’s emotional abuse.
Nope. It only tips the scale back to our favor. 🙂
I agree mental abuse & a turn off for me for.
Sounds like my (now ex ) may have took this advice.. well if back fired!
You say just let her dominate is what it sounds like? That is a terrible idea. A woman who seriously wants to dominate a man is something to avoid because she has got to be the classic bi….ch.
Isabelle, why don’t women ever pick those good and respectful type of guys?
My new lady is with holding sex and being terribly bitchy. She’s completely stopped saying anything nice about me or about how she feels about me. She is maintaining politeness because she admires my good manners, but she is very unsure about how to deal with her feelings for me. I recognize her as emotionally vulnerable and i cherish all that is female about her, but she is losing touch with reality. I am a full gentleman. I hold doors for women, i like long term commitments, i understand cycles and how mood swings are for both people to get through. I do the dishes, don’t have cliche expectations of her role, listen to all she has to say, go out of my way to make sure she feels heard.
And yet, even though she clearly has the hots for me, she has stopped being physical with me, never initiates sex, complains when i even touch her boob, turns away from me in bed, says i don’t make any effort to turn her on, protests that i just want to get my dick wet when i want to slow dance with her, refuses to talk about how to compromise on living together, wants me to get into BDSM but complains that i dont do it right ever.
She needs to be dumped, hard. She has taken me for granted hard. It is far beyond anything kind or sweet or sensative or bold that i could do to fix the sittuation. She is lost in her own head. It is not an issue of dogmatic approach, sexism, gender roles or anything. She is just being a horrible, confused brat and needs a little help remembering what it is she wants out of life and desires in a mate, … and there simply isn’t anything else to be done.
The breakup thing isn’t just some kind of trick. It’s a way of saying “what do you want? You are free to chose. Stop blaming your uncertainty on me and own it for yourself. You’ll respect yourself and me a lot more this way.”
Please stop telling our secrets lol…they dont need to know about the Rolodex…
Women have been using their sexual power as a tool to gain leverage for centuries mostly due to the fact that her only hope of obtaining any sort of freedom in ancient male dominated societies was by using her sexual/physical charm to really break a mans will and bend it to her own. This has been either consciously but mostly unconsciously practiced as a way of gaining status, power, prestige and so forth. Fine. Now that women have obtained a lot more freedom in our modern democratic societies mainly due to politics which has given women the vote, she has naturally come to view herself as an equal in our modern society. This of course has left many, many good men feeling less like men and more like prisoners to a State system that in many cases can cater to women for votes. My point is that for thousands of years biologically women have had to rely solely on men for everything thus giving men a very special uplifting role to play in helping women. Now, because women are used to being able to obtain their needs in roles that men would normally play, there is less reverence for masculinity, less respect in general on an unconscious level it has made men feel a lot less powerful, loved and respected by the same women they would normally be providing for. Now that women feel as if they can rely solely on themselves with plenty of societal conditioning to egg the process on I believe it has created an imbalance where none existed before. I am 44 years of age and I can tell you honestly and sincerely that there is more contempt of men and more and more “girl power first! We don’t need you unless you need us” bullshit than ever before. It’s time that men learned to play the game of seducing women not only for their benefit but also for the benefit of women who are actually a lot less happy playing a mans game than they are being the sweet caregivers, obedient wives/girl friends and mothers that they have been since time immemorial. Ideas like the above article rub you the wrong way because of years of government sponsored education geared to make women believe they’re virtually the same as men. This is nonsense, women take advantage of men because of it and you’re a lot less happy as a result. Its time for men to take a leading role again and do what is right for the happiness of this feminist society that is counter to thousands of years of biology. Guys? You are only going to get dominated by women like Nina who are afraid of losing what little leverage she has over you by following her advice and by disregarding the advice of Cal Pont who has made it his mission to understand women far better than they can understand themselves. You’ll be doing both you and your woman a favour by gaining back your dominance. It’s what women really want. Thanks for reading!
This is pure sexism and misogyny!! This is the same mindset that allows men to think it is ok to psychologically and emotionally abuse women!! You are promoting psychological abuse. Trust me when I say that women are too smart for this bullshit. I’ve had men try these sad power grabs and asshole behavior on me and as well as other women I know. We put up with it knowing full well it’s an act to stroke his already fragile male ego. Women are not actually falling for this crap. For ever woman that has her asshole boyfriend stake a “fake breakup” there are two next to her telling her to dump this manipulate prick and find someone kinder. Sad and pathetic, if you were an intelligent and genuinely caring human being controlling someone would not be a need or desire. If your girlfriend is complaining about you, leave her and find someone you make happy and vise versa. I had a man who complained about everything I did and was never happy and would boss me around. Guess what, I dumped him. It’s not a gender or control issue, it’s just tough to find partners that aren’t selfish assholes. Because a lot of people are, men and women. This is promoting toxic relationship patterns. And sir, you are a sexist. This is a human rights issue! This is not going away. Women have equal rights, we are now equally as educated and successful. You are right, we don’t need men. You will now be forced to treat women with compassion and equal respect, or never get to enjoy the pleasure of their company. Period.
I agree with you on most of your comment. Men are supposed to be the dominant ones in the relationship. It’s how God designed us. God also designed us to be equals though. It’s about finding the right balance. My husband and I sat down and had a conversation about it before getting married and being submissive to him makes him so happy but he also respects me as an equal. There’s no manipulation what so ever. If there was I would not have stayed. The breakup trick that is offered above is not one I would fall for because men should sit down and talk to their partner about what is going on and how they want the relationship to go. Don’t manipulate her. Talk to her.
It’s a shame it even has to come to this. A level playing field? Women, by default, have some kind of field advantage? Two can play at this game you know. You want a girl with a nice rack you’d like to get your claws on you guys are putty in our hands.
Women do this crap alot but when men do it, it’s a problem. Give me a break
See its not a game its a mentality and that’s how woman are with the men they want.
This article is fact i did this in my teens an up way before coming across this works everytime and then when i add sex its over they worship me
Hi guys. Please don’t follow this advice. We won’t fall in love with a man who tries to exploit us emotionally to win us over. You can show your confidence in how you speak, your fitness and health, how you can stick up for what you believe in. Your passion for life, having hobbies and interests that excite you; these are the things I respect in a man. This is true confidence. This advice potentially harms women. Be yourself men and realise your innate worth.
Love from Nina, a quality woman.
Won’t expect anything different from a woman. 🙂
You? A quality woman? Give me a break!
I was skeptical as hell until I used it…goddamn, it worked. Completely blew my mind.
Is there a place where there are more of these techniques? Wanna learn some… will come handy someday, no doubt.
Go here:
It’s Derek’s free Masterclass on how to use Mind Control on women. The last time I checked, it’s still online. Won’t know for how long more, though… given the hate that Derek gets (see the comments above and you’ll know!)
Emotionally controlling a woman? WTF. I would never like to be in a relationship with someone who dominates me, be it physically or mentally. Best relationship is between equals who are not trying to dominate each other in any way.
Hey! Lily James, funny you, you need to remain single till maybe 65 years then you can understand no equality ever between a man and woman, full STOP! If you don’t wanna be controlled, stay single!
I would like to respond personally to the dearest ladies that took the time to read the article and responded above, but it was impossible for me to do so. So, here I am posting to everyone.
I must thank you for your comments, beautiful ladies. Kindly answer me this. How many times did you let down a really special man, a real gem, just because he “did not appeal” to you?
What was the excuse? Let me guess… he was “too boring”, “a good boy but…” or, “a nice guy, a really nice guy, that any woman would be proud and happy to have but…”
Sounds familiar?
And how can you blame guys for learning and using a technique like Fractionation or Shogun Method?
Best of my regards,
I, personally, have never turned down a man because he was too nice. That is absolutely asinine, and the women doing that are looking for something else. Everyone’s looking for something different, just because a woman doesn’t want you because of whatever traits you have does it mean you have the right to try to control her.
Well, it’s the same as you guys saying, “I don’t know I just can’t get my sick hard when I look at her.”
I mean I could see how this would work on some women. I even use this on men, literally last week I did this with a guy I’m hooking up with. So, it does work both ways. It is a crap shoot though… I have known abandonment issues so the second I feel like the guys pulling away I’m out. On to the next. Plus, for me the more relationships I’ve been in (the more breakups I’ve had) the less you care about breaking up. You start to realize if it’s not meant to be that’s ok. Every new relationships been better for me than the one before.
Thanks to u guys yr really I’m to happy now what I get frome I guys really I appreciate to u what u guys mentioned in writing in brief I totally understand and I agree ☝️ these words really women wants to happy 😊 if they leaving with someone
After the first day of trying this she was the one that said “we are taking a break, but we cannot see other people on this break”. So it did not work for me. What should I do now? Should I take it a step further and In a couple days I text her, “Well I’ve thought about it and let’s break up “??
Maybe she was saying that to protect the next woman from your manipulations. If you can’t date anyone, you can’t control them.
Oh my gosh! If a guy sent me that message my reply would be “great idea! I was kind of thinking the same thing but I didn’t want to say it. Take care.” At that point I would block his number. Done deal.
Women, yes we like Dominant men but when the dude plays games because he is insecure and thinks that faking a breakup is the only way he can control me… then the dude has serious issues. BTW I’ve used these shit tactics on men in the past and it works on them too. I stopped doing those things because if I didn’t work on my issues, I was faking who I was and basically doing excellent marketing on a shit product. The product has to be genuine and when it’s genuine you don’t need ploys or games because you ooze confidence and dominance.
You are absolutely right. Nowadays men act like women and vice versa. This technique will work on anyone with certain insecurities. It is the MEN who need to get our shit together. We need to understand what it is to be a true man. What is needed is an alpha male mentality and everything will follow naturally.
Intelligent men need to learn how to STAND THE FUCK UP and take charge. She will follow you and try to please you until you die. This is the power of Shogun Method.
Look LADIES this is all OUR faults because if every woman in the planet completely stopped giving sex to men ……just like the bible says ….you would see a Change in men BIG TIME! granted there will always be paid hookers
…..but real men won’t want to marry them…..so yes there should be a start of a NO SEX TILL MARRIAGE RULE! AND WOMEN SHOULD MAKE every man have a blood test before sex and marriage for their safety. That’s all we have to do its that simple just say no and believe me they will work for it.
That’s never gonna happen. We wasn’t made to not have sex. Just look at yourself and examine your true feelings. Be true to yourself… Fractionation works. Shogun Method works.
How horribly sad… this man dosnt understand the first thing about love, only manipulation, fear and control.
My Father told me Love is dying to yourself daily… it hit me like a beautiful truth does. He has been married for over 40 years.
All the most beautiful relationships I whitness are of two people who put each others needs above thier own.
I belieave in Love, but the man wrote this article, who is a psychopath without empathy who will always be empty inside and will spead his poison to the vunerable around him.
Woe to you who twists the blossom of love into a fearful, controlling,lying , manipulative, selfish seed of death.
Boys! Thank you for sharing!!! I’ll make sure to share it also with as many people as possible. Girls, I think you should do the same, if you know what I mean 🙂
I think the women this technique would work on have severe self esteem issues that stem from abandonment. A well grounded person, male or female, knows their worth and is not gonna let another person play these emotional games.
It’s fine if you wanna do that to a woman, it’s her own fault for being so weak to follow such a manipulative man. Some women just don’t know any better.
And the men who do this must be truly desperate . An intelligent woman would see through this behavior, and move on.
I guess to each their own, desperate men deserve immature, weak women.
Works on all women, as proven by Derek Rake. Every woman yearns for a strong man.
This is called emotional abuse, plain and simple. There are many different types of men and women out there, and the only “women” you are going to attract with this manipulative method have extremely low self esteem or are emotionally unavailable. Either one of these are not women that you would want in a healthy, long term relationship. You might have this particular women running right back to you because she needs a boost to her self esteem, but why was she running from you in the first place? Also, how long before you need to pull another emotionally abusive trick with this women to keep her? If you want a real woman with self respect that actually LIKES YOU FOR YOU (which, by the way, is what you’re really looking for) then do the exact opposite of what this article is saying. Real women with self esteem and confidence want a real man with self esteem and confidence. Meaning, you need to get really comfortable with your REAL self (no matter how weird and quirky that is) and that perfect woman will be undeniably attracted to you. If you’re uncomfortable with who you really are then you will attract a woman who is also equally uncomfortable with who she is or is attracted to this fake persona that you’ve created to get her attention. Save both parties a lot of heart ache and don’t play mind tricks to try to get a girlfriend or to get someone to stay with you for an extra week. This method will maybe get you laid a couple more times, but nothing more. Women are a lot smarter then you think. Btw, Cal, are you currently in a long term, successful relationship? I’d bet my entire life savings that you probably have about 4 or 5 low self esteem women on repeat that makes you feel like a “real man” and makes you think that it’s ok to be giving out horrible advice like this. Grow a pair and start respecting yourself and others and maybe you’ll actually have some good advice to give out. If you don’t believe me just read all the comments from the women on this site. Good luck 😉
Relax, lady. You want to be dominated by a strong man – you know you want to.
Listen here Cal. Your article is correct and true but the only part I don’t agree with is that part texting. She needs to be so taken by you already for that texting to work which makes the whole thing unnecessary. It also looks obvious and any experienced woman will see what you are trying to do. Just get lost for a couple of days and show a little indifference to her when she tries to communicate. You will be unpredictable.
Well, it’s the same as you guys saying, “I don’t know I just can’t get my sick hard when I look at her.”
I already do this to men lol
I was so good to my girlfriend but she repaid me by being disrespectful. she w’d praise other men & even just be with me so long as she wanted something from me. imagine all the pain i felt. Thanks to mind control techniques everything is in my favor.
Small world, Im in Staunton, Va. I agree party with this. If a guy did this a couple days to me…no way. We absolutely want a man in control, to take the lead…its very sexy. Especially in the bedroom.
What a headache. Feminism is wicked. God first, man second, wife, then children. Everything has an order. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee. I came here looking for a way to be more submissive to my man and what a worldly bunch I ran into. So sad. Men are created in the image of God. Wives are to submit to their husband’s and REVERENCE him. The husband is supposed to take care of his wife as lovingly as he would take care of himself. When you know who you belong to and how well you are taken care of then it makes it easy to want to be at your husband’s feet. Carry on..but just know this, if you’re following the Lord everything is in Spirit and in truth.
This is why I would never teach my sons to be so damn chivalrous women can’t stand this no matter how much they both they want to be respected and treated well deep down inside of themselves if my son never wants to see any good hot sex in his life he will be a little bit of an a****** to his wife haha I’m a poet and didn’t know it
I know some females dont believe this. But this dude it not fucking lyings. the terms he’s using makes it seem bad, but if you really attached to your man he’s probably making u feel this way too. Woman love guys thats unsure about them, it makes their emotions go wild which is how woman know if they like/ love a guy.
After being more dominated by her you means nothing. Sometime she become the boss of all decision because of your emotional weakness.
You exploit her emotional weakness. And she will thank you for it.