Sometimes people think that delivering pickup lines is complicated. If you already know how attraction works (we have a guide for that too!), you’ll realize that it’s actually it’s pretty simple.
How does advertising make you want to buy things? Easy – just make products a tad too expensive so only very few people can have them. Make the products available only to a select few and make everybody else pant by the sidelines.
S0 how does that apply to you? Simple! Make yourself inaccessible, and women will come running after you for reasons only known to psychologists like Carl Jung… and Mind Control dating experts like Derek Rake and Robbin Wesley.
Personality Trumps Looks
Looks are great, and can help you a great deal in the game of dating and seduction. However, you will win more if you have a great personality. This is especially so if you are naturally interesting.
The social proof phenomenon shows that you are capable to be a great mate, which would ultimately lead to some sort of sexual affair to produce some off-springs. It’s just how nature works. You are always looking for the best possible mate, and you get better when you have something to offer your partner. The more people wanting you, the more will want you as well.
Correspondingly, the more women want you, the more appealing you will look to other women.
Now, How Does This Work For Attraction And Attractive Pick-Up Lines?
Pretty easy, once you start a conversation with a killer seduction technique, which can be as simple as “Hi.”
You are usually running into some sort of test (also known as female shit tests) to find out if you have potential to be a future mate. The more often a woman is approached the harder the tests will be. It’s just some sort of natural selection and a lot of women start avoiding public places, because they are simply tired of guys not matching their lofty expectations
Approach anxiety is usually rooted within the fear of rejection and totally over-exaggerated thoughts of what might happen. Once you just start to make your life more fun and you stop caring about what others think about you, everything will be easier, women-wise. (Better still, read this guide on how to overcome approach anxiety.)
- Someone does not like you? Who cares… she misses an opportunity to have a new friend.
- Someone puts you off? There are a few billion people in the world… who cares what that one woman thinks?
So you’ll understand that it just does not matter if in the end she likes you or not. Learn to make small steps in the right direction every day.
You have a hard time approaching people? Make it your goal to talk to at least 15 strangers in a month. Supermarkets, bus stops, cafes (we even have a guide for that)… don’t go on the “prowl” to pick up women. Just make small talk.
Whatever it is you are bad at (not just at pickup), just reflect on how you can improve yourself in small, incremental steps. So you want to use a magical pickup line? Sorry, that doesn’t exist. It’s hard work to reflect on yourself, and especially so since you can be overly critical of yourself.
A Final Tip…
A great way to improve your personality is to get a few books about stuff you never cared about off Amazon. Pick those that sound somewhat interesting across multiple subjects. Start reading about 20 pages each night before you go to bed. 20 pages a day and you would have finished a mid-sized book in a month. You will then have enough interesting topics to talk about with anyone – man or woman. Ah, and don’t forget about Shogun Method, of course.
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